Expert Resources: European Accessibility Act
These are the items that relate to European Accessibility Act found on the AbilityNet website. They may be factsheets, webinars, news stories, blog posts or reports.
Mark Walker | 17 Dec 2024Updated December 2024The European Accessibility Act (EAA) is a landmark legal change that seeks to ensure equal access to digital products and services throughout Europe. Although it focuses on improving accessibility to diigtal services for EU consumers
Kelly Chan | 09 Jul 2024Google's proactive stance on the European Accessibility Act (EAA) is both instructive and inspiring. As part of our recent EAA webinar, we spoke with Christopher Patnoe, the Head of EMEA Accessibility and Disability Inclusion of Google.
Emma Wheeler | 18 Jun 2024The EAA seeks to enhance the accessibility of products and services across the European Union (EU) - harmonising national laws and minimum accessibility requirements in the EU.
Sophie Stevens | 20 May 2024In April's IAAP Network and Learn session we were joined by Susanna Laurin, Chair at Funka Foundation and IAAP Representative to the EU, who discussed the European Accessibility Act.
Emma Wheeler | 24 Apr 2024In our free webinar find out how the incoming European Accessibility Act will effect your organisations and your accessibility responsibilities.