What to include on the accessibility help page on your website
Did you know it’s estimated less than 1% of websites meet accessibility standards requirements? What’s in place on your website to ensure you aren’t losing customers because your site is unusable to a large number of visitors?
An accessibility help page provides a useful stepping stone on a user journey, offers practical help to your customers and shows them that you have thought about their access needs. We see it as an opportunity to communicate to your website users about how you can support them.
On our free webinar AbilityNet Accessibility and Usability Consultants Katherine Talbot and Adi Latif shared advice and information on what you should include on the accessibility help page on your website. Our experts understand the business case for good accessibility practices, but also the legal obligations - including the new UK web accessibility regulations for public sector organisations, including universities and other higher education institutions.
This webinar contained useful information for a wide audience including website owners and managers, content authors and accessibility advocates.
About the webinar
Our webinar began with a brief introduction to AbilityNet and a summary of the free and expert paid-for services we offer to organisations of all sizes that help them to achieve their accessibility objectives and reach every customer on every platform.
Next Adi Latif set the scene with an introduction to accessibility, detailing the importance of good digital accessibility practices and how his role as an Accessibility and Usability Consultant allows him to champion digital accessibility and inclusivity.
Katherine then gave her top tips for what you should include on the accessibility help page on your website, including details of My Computer My Way – your guide to every accessibility feature on every major computer, tablet and smartphone.
The webinar ended with a question and answer session.
Webinar recording, slide deck and transcript
A recording of the webinar is available on-demand below, along with the slide deck used. A transcript from the presentation will be also be included below when it becomes available.
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