How volunteering can benefit you or your organisation, with Capgemini

  • This webinar took place on 6 June 2023 and featured guests from Capgemini UK and AbilityNet. 
  • Watch the free recording of the session below.Capgemini logo in blue cursive writing

Older woman and younger man sat in discussion at kitchen tableVolunteering not only provides valuable help to people who need it, but it also generates massive advantages to organisations who encourage volunteering from their workforce. 

In this webinar 'How volunteering can help you or your organisation, with Capgemini' taking place during Volunteers' Week 2023 (1-7 June) we explore how technology company Capgemini has embraced volunteering as a force for good, and also how you as an individual can find numerous benefits and satisfaction from becoming a volunteer for your community.

This webinar is aimed at:  

  • Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer
  • Accessibility professionals  
  • Corporate sustainability professionals
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) staff  
  • HR and Operations professionals  

In the webinar, attendees:  

  • Learned how organisational volunteering benefits your organisation and employees, as well as the people the volunteering supports  
  • Discovered how Capgemini offers employees volunteering options to its employees   
  • Learned how volunteering can boost your mental health
  • Found out from volunteers themselves how valuable volunteering is to them
  • Had an opportunity to pose your questions about volunteering and corporate social responsibility (CSR) to the panel

The webinar recording, slides, and transcript are now available on this page. Q&A responses will be available soon.

How volunteering can benefit you or your organisation - AbilityNet webinar slides via SlideShare

Meet the panellists

Bethan Richmond, Capgemini

Bethan Richmond smilingAs Digital Inclusion Programme Manager for Capgemini UK, Bethan is responsible for helping realise the technology company’s belief that the digital revolution should be an opportunity for all. Passionate about collaboration and skills sharing as ways to address digital skills gaps in communities, she manages the company’s employee volunteering programme and its relationships with national charity partners. Over her ten year career in corporate responsibility and sustainability, she’s co-created and delivered several national programmes with these charities and supports hundreds of Capgemini employees to share their skills and expertise for positive social impact each year.

Before joining Capgemini, Bethan qualified as a secondary school Geography teacher and has since completed a Masters in Sustainability and Business Leadership at Cambridge University’s Institute for Sustainability Leadership where she continues as an assessor on the online short course ‘Business Sustainability Management (BSM)’.

During the webinar, Bethan will explain Capgemini's successful volunteering programme which supports its employees to offer their time as Tech volunteers with AbilityNet. 

Bethan will be joined by her colleague Darren Fox-Hall, to discuss his experience of volunteering with AbilityNet as part of his role at Capgemini.

DProfile image of Darren Fox-Hallarren Fox-Hall, Capgemini

Darren is Senior Project Manager at Capgemini. An IT specialist, he helps clients maximise the business outcomes of their infrastructure projects and programmes. He has been volunteering with AbilityNet since mid-2022, supporting a number of individuals in his local community as well as assisting with other AbilityNet initiatives.



Joe Tunesi, AbilityNet

Joe Tunesi profile picJoe is a Community Relationship Officer at AbilityNet, with experience working for and with other charities. "Technology is the foundation of many, if not all, of my interests, and I believe strongly in everyone having a right to access tech in a way that works for them."

In his previous roles Joe has worked as an IT Tutor for people with visual impairments and learning disabilities, as well as working as a Digital Inclusion Officer to give everybody the tools and knowledge to become independent with technology.

Jamie Robson, smilingJamie Robson, AbilityNet

Jamie is an AbilityNet tech volunteer and administrator. His working life has been spent in administration and then IT.  In 2019 he became a volunteer for AbilityNet and was also part of the team that delivered the Digital Lifeline project in 2021. 


This webinar lasted 60 minutes and included an opportunity to pose questions to the guests. The panel were able to answer many questions from attendees during the live session, which you can find by watching the webinar playback or accessing the transcript. Q&As will be available on this page soon.

Q: I’m keen to start encouraging our researchers to get involved in volunteering to a) support people, and b) help them build awareness of user needs, understand some of the blockers people experience using technology and to gain better understanding of the different tech people use. Are there any examples/ case studies on how this has worked within Capgemni or other orgs?

A: We have several case studies and articles that may help: 

How to help AbilityNet

A great way to support AbilityNet is to join our network of 350+ volunteers across the UK.

Many older people and disabled people experience difficulties with their technology, and can’t find the support they need. Our amazing volunteers provide one-to-one technology support remotely and through home visits. Get involved today!

Useful links

Date of webinar: 
6 Jun 2023 - 13:00