Complying with the new Public Sector Accessibility Regulations - UPDATE
This webinar was part of our bi-monthly series of updates on how Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations are being implemented by universities and other HE (higher education) institutions.
As well as providing regular updates to give the latest news and advice relating to the regulations we discussed and focussed on the ‘business case’ for compliance and what disabled students should be able to expect from their education provider.
About the webinar
Abi James of AbilityNet and Alistair McNaught of McNaught Consultancy presented on this webinar which took place just 3 days after the first deadline of the regulations.
Abi and Alistair are co-chairs of the Further Higher Education Digital Accessibility Working Group, set up to help the sector with embedding web accessibility. In addition to her role as an accessibility consultant at AbilityNet, Abi is a visiting research fellow at the University of Southampton and chairs the New Technology Committee of the British Dyslexia Association. Alistair is an independent consultant with his own firm and an accessibility subject matter expert with relevant previous roles at Jisc – a membership organisation providing digital solutions for UK education and research.
During the webinar Abi and Alistair:
- Introduced examples of how universities are developing accessibility statements
- Provided information on the latest news, new resources and approaches to support digital accessibility within the public sector
- Examined the 'business case' for compliance and how this can support what students and other stakeholders with accessing education and other public services
Who was/is this webinar for?:
- Higher and further education institutions
- Local government and the health sector
- Website owners, digital leaders, IT and procurement specialists
- Suppliers applying for tenders in the public sector
The webinar lasted 1 hour and included a question and answer session. We used MyClearText to provide live captioning of our webinar for deaf people and those who are hard of hearing.
More information
We have already hosted two free webinars this year where we've shared information and advice about the new regulations:
- Watch the recording of our May webinar on the new HE Accessibility Regulations
- Watch the recording of our July webinar on the new HE Accessibility Regulations
Webinar recording, slide deck and transcript
A recording of the webinar is available on-demand below, along with a transcript and the slide deck used.
Complying with HE Accessibility Regulations in month 1 - AbilityNet webinar slides via SlideShare
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