Disability Awareness training for the workplace

Find out from people with lived experience how technology can support those who are disabled

Why you should attend

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Show an understanding of some of the barriers faced by individuals with lived experience of disability.
  • Understand some of the unintentional barriers we can create that impact people living with disabilities and impairments.
  • Understand some of assistive technologies and how they can be used to remove barriers.
  • Gain advice and tips on how to remove barriers or avoid creating them in the first place.
  • Ask questions and address taboos in a safe environment.

Who will benefit from this training?

The course will be of special interest to anyone wishing to be able to work in a disability inclusive way, including:

  • diversity and inclusion leaders
  • HR Directors
  • Hiring managers
  • Line managers
  • IT managers

Level of training: Suitable for all levels of knowledge.

Get 10 training courses for the price of 8

To help you get even better value this year, we have a 10 for the price of 8 bundle on AbilityNet online training courses for you and your team to enjoy. 

Book your training bundle

This course is a combination of our Don't Disable Me series of courses focusing on the lived experiences of people facing visual, hearing, physical, mental health and neurodiversity barriers. You can download the entire series on-demand.

Book Now: Upcoming date to be confirmed

Attendees of the live training session will receive a Certificate of Attendance to add to their professional development training portfolio.

If you're looking for training for more than 8 people on a single course, please get in touch with us to discuss our great value options.

Buy this course on demand

Attendees of the live training will receive a recording of the course. If you are not attending the live training you can buy a recording of the course on demand:

Contact us for in-house training 

Upskill your team so together we can create a more accessible digital world.

Use this form if you'd like to book this great value training course for your team of 8 or more people, at a date and time you choose.

The fields marked with an asterisk symbol (*) are mandatory.

Attendees of our in-house disability awareness training consistently note that learning about the lived experiences of the speakers makes such a difference to the impact and understanding of the course:
"Being able to listen to lived experiences of people was the most valuable for me, as it is only so much you can learn from theory and books."
"The panellists speaking about their lives experience was incredibly helpful and informative."

Course overview

This course is a single-session condensing of some of the key takeaways from AbilityNet’s popular “Don’t Disable Me” series.

Featuring clips and stories from individuals with lived experience, we will share the common barriers encountered at work, in study, and in day-to-day life. We will look at some of the assistive technologies and tools that can be used to overcome these barriers and the steps that everyone can take to create inclusive environments where these barriers no longer exist for anyone.

Host Adam Tweed will also be joined by a guest who can answer specifc questions and speak to their individual lived experience.

The course is fun and interactive, designed to promote understanding, address taboos, and start the conversations that lead to positive changes. 

What you will learn

  • Information about hearing, visual, motor and cognitive disabilities, impairments and differences and associated digital, environmental, and cultural barriers.
  • Some of the assistive technologies available including, free and in-built tech tools.
  • How to ensure your working or learning environment does not (unintentionally) exclude people living with disabilities or differences.
"I found the demo of the screen reader really useful - amazing to actually see/hear from someone who uses one rather than just reading about the theory of the tools which don't get the messages across for me as well as today's session did." - attendee of the Removing visual barriers course 
"I found Rina's authentic and open conversation about her experience really insightful and helped my confidence in how to work better with people with neurodiversity conditions, and for my own disability. Thank you!” - attendee from Beyond Green of the Removing neurodiversity barriers course

"Going through mental health difficulties and feeling like you have to hide them at work can be incredibly isolating, especially in our current times... it has given us a jumping off point to have some interesting conversations as a team." - attendee of the Removing mental health barriers course

"Really agree with others - best online training session I have attended."

Meet your trainers:

Adam Tweed

Adam Tweed, smiling at camera

Adam is AbilityNet's Innovation Consultant – Education & Workplace. With a BA in Film Studies, a BSc in Psychology and a career in IT in both the commercial and education sectors, Adam is a self-described jack-of-all-trades. He is a lover of all things tech and the idea of technology as an a seamless enhancement to ways of living and working that enables convenience, independence and a better quality of life. Adam has experienced periods of mental health challenges and has had a recent diagnosis of Generalised Anxiety Disorder. He will discuss and challenge the stigmas around the impact and taboos of mental health conditions, and will provide a demonstration of the tech tools available to help manage mental health conditions. 

Alex Barker

Alex Barker

Alex Barker has been working for AbilityNet for 19 years, most recently as a Disability Consultant and before that as Advice and Information Officer. He has Moebius Syndrome, which is a very rare condition that causes paralysis in facial muscles, and can cause club foot, missing limbs and sometimes cognitive issues too. Alex will discuss his experiences growing up, at university and in the workplace and will provide a demonstration of the tech tools he uses.

Adi Latif

Adi using mobile using screenreading software

Adi Latif is a Senior Accessibility and Usability Consultant at AbilityNet. His work ranges from working on accessibility audits to checking the accessibility of a client's website and apps, and providing training on inclusive design.

Adi lost his sight in his early teens. He was also a professional snowboarder, and was a finalist in the Shaw Trust Disability Power 100 2020.

Rina Wharton

Rina Wharton

Rina is an accessibility and usability consultant at AbilityNet. Rina regularly runs audits and checks of clients’ websites and mobile applications.

Rina is a person with autism and often speaks about her experiences studying and in the workplace. She is a regular speaker at AbilityNet's annual TechShare Pro event, which is the UK's largest meet-up for accessibility professionals. 

Ghizzi Dunlop

Ghizzi Dunlop

Ghizzi Dunlop is deaf/Hard of Hearing in her left ear. She is also Neurodiverse with Dyslexia, Irlen Syndrome, Audio Processing Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). She works in Higher Education as a Learning Technologist in a STEM faculty, with a specialist focus on Open, Digital Accessibility and Pedagogy.

Important information 

Class size: We limit the number of people on our training courses to ensure all attendees can engage with the presenter, ask questions and have an informative experience.

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Date and time

Click on the date below to book your place for a future course:

Upcoming date to be confirmed

If you're looking for training for more than 8 people on a single course, please get in touch with us to discuss our great value options.


Online via Zoom


  • Delivered on Zoom using its automated captions feature
  • Advanced sharing of slides if required
  • Captioned recording with transcript provided

More information
Got any questions? Email us: training@abilitynet.org.uk

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