Expert Resources: Windows 10 accessibility
These are the items that relate to Windows 10 accessibility found on the AbilityNet website. They may be factsheets, webinars, news stories, blog posts or reports.
Robin Christopherson | 17 Feb 2021Robin Christopherson, AbilityNet's Head of Digital Inclusion celebrates Narrator screen reader's coming of ageWindows built-in screen reader, Narrator, made its debut as part of Windows 2000 today (17 February 2000). After a clunky start, it blossomed into a viable option for blind PC users.
Robin Christopherson | 18 Jul 2019Yesterday was World Emoji Day and I posted an article about a brilliant free utility for macOS called Rocket - the developer of which was very helpful in making it VoiceOver accessible so that now, at long last, blind users do finally get in on the emoji fun. Among yesterday's coverage of this...
Robin Christopherson | 08 Mar 2016A raft of new internet accessibility work by Microsoft will make the web user-experience for people with disabilities far smoother and more sophisticated. AbilityNet has a long-standing relationship with Microsoft, including user-testing its products for more than a decade. It's clear the company...