Expert Resources: vision impairment
These are the items that relate to vision impairment found on the AbilityNet website. They may be factsheets, webinars, news stories, blog posts or reports.
Alex.Barker | 10 Jan 2025This factsheet covers how assistive technology can help people with vision impairment. Many features are standard within computers, tablets, and smartphones. You can also use standalone products with devices to make them easier to use for people with a visual impairment or who are blind. Our...
Robin Christopherson | 30 Aug 2018Based upon an award-winning blind mobility and orientation system, Right-Hear is a service that is about to boost the confidence and choices of blind people out and about – well, actually indoors - in the UK.
Claudia.Cahalane | 20 Dec 2017AI-powered image recognition is taking off and it's helping blind people gain a better understanding of the world around them. At the AbilityNet technology and disability event last month, TechShare Pro, we heard from Orcam, the makers of AI vision tech MyEye who've recently launched MyEye 2.0.
Robin Christopherson | 19 Jan 2017Amongst the hype blown up by annual massive techfest that is CES in Las Vegas is a revolutionary app that uses AI to help people with low or no vision.
Claudia.Cahalane | 05 Oct 2016Wayfindr is winner of our AbilityNet Tech4Good Accessibility Award 2016. We interview marketing manager, Katherine Payne to find out how the technology was created and when we can expect to see it available for people with sight loss and other abilities and disabilities.
Anonymous | 21 Aug 2013Smartphones open up a whole new world to people with visual impairments. In this blog AbilityNet's Head of Fundraising Rory Field talks about his experience with Fleksy, an app designed to make texting easier. Hi there,