Expert Resources: RSI
These are the items that relate to RSI found on the AbilityNet website. They may be factsheets, webinars, news stories, blog posts or reports.
Alex.Barker | 05 Feb 2025Digital Scams can affect practically anyone in the UK. Action Fraud, our national fraud and cybercrime reporting centre, received over 800,000 fraud reports in the year up to June 2020, and up to 85% of those reports involved cyber-fraud. Criminals are making the most of social media, email and...
Alex.Barker | 24 Jan 2025Ergonomics is the study people’s performance and wellbeing in relation to their and working environment. This document provides an introduction to many of the issues you need to consider when setting up a workstation. However, it is not an exhaustive guide and you may need to do some further...
Alex.Barker | 24 Jan 2025This factsheet provides an overview of how you can use voice recognition. You can use voice recognition to control a smart home, instruct a smart speaker, and command phones and tablets. In addition, you can set reminders and interact hands-free with personal technologies. The most significant use...
Alex.Barker | 21 Jan 2025Standard keyboards and mice are functional ways of interacting with your computer and increasingly other devices like tablets. However, these standard devices can pose difficulties for many people – especially users with physical, sensory, or cognitive challenges – and there are lots of other...
Alex.Barker | 21 Jan 2025This factsheet highlights some of the actions you can carry out quickly on your computer by using key combinations rather than using the mouse to navigate menus and options. These key combinations are referred to as shortcuts as they are often a much quicker way of carrying out tasks. They can also...
Alex.Barker | 21 Jan 2025This factsheet looks at repetitive strain injury (RSI) – the term most often used to describe the pain felt in muscles, nerves and tendons caused by repeated movement and overuse. It looks at the symptoms and causes of RSI (also known as Upper limb disorders (ULDs)), cumulative trauma disorder or...
Alex.Barker | 21 Jan 2025Older people are prone to loneliness and isolation. According to the Campaign to End Loneliness, half a million older people go at least five or six days a week without seeing or speaking to anyone, and over half aged 85 and over and 38% of those aged 75 to 84 live alone. Age UK estimates there...
Claudia.Cahalane | 25 Feb 2021Sunday 28 February is International Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) Awareness Day. Check our experts top tips for avoiding RSI in the workplace.
Alex.Barker | 26 Mar 2015If you had told me in 1985 that by the year 2015 you could control your computer just by using your voice I would have looked at you in a very strange way. But in 2015 it’s no fantasy, and voice control is a very valuable tool for people with a range of disabilities and impairments.
Mark Walker | 14 Jan 2015This webinar explains some of the causes of RSI and look at how better use of computers can help avoid RSI.