Expert Resources: Reasonable Adjustments
These are the items that relate to Reasonable Adjustments found on the AbilityNet website. They may be factsheets, webinars, news stories, blog posts or reports.
Mark Walker | 23 Mar 2020Who is helping disabled people work from home?Webinar recording took place: 11.00 am, Thursday 26 March 2020Due to Coronavirus, anyone whose job allows it is now working from home, many of them for the first time. There is a lot of general advice about remote working being shared but AbilityNet is...
Annie Mannion | 04 Nov 2019Our experts answer your questions about work and job interviews following our webinar about tips and tools for disabled people.
Robin Christopherson | 03 Feb 2016Around 90% of jobs nowadays have some sort of technology involved. Your job might involve using a desktop computer or laptop, a telephone, cash register or some kind of handheld device such as a credit card machine. The possibilities, like the array of devices and software, are endless. Technology...
callum.grantham | 03 Feb 2015This session gives an outline of: Current legal requirements for reasonable adjustments Common adjustments recommended by AbilityNet Building support systems that increase levels of disclosure and remove barriers. It is delivered AbilityNet's Head of Digital Inclusion Robin...
Mark Walker | 14 Jan 2015This webinar explains some of the causes of RSI and look at how better use of computers can help avoid RSI.
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