Expert Resources: neurodiversity
These are the items that relate to neurodiversity found on the AbilityNet website. They may be factsheets, webinars, news stories, blog posts or reports.
Alex.Barker | 10 Jan 2025Autism or ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder is "a lifelong, developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with and relates to other people, and how they experience the world around them" (National Autistic Society, June 2020). Autism is a spectrum condition. All autistic people...
Kelly Chan | 02 Nov 2023AbilityNet and Deque recently partnered to start hosting in-person round table events, bringing together accessibility professionals from a number of organisations as an opportunity for them to share their experiences and challenges candidly.
Kelly Chan | 06 Oct 2023LinkedIn is a social media platform that can help people find jobs, build their professional network, and learn about new opportunities. Its new tools will help all users on LinkedIn, especially users who are dyslexic, people who are blind or have visual impairments.
Freya Robinson | 15 Sep 2023Dyslexia is a learning difference that can affect, amongst other things, reading and writing skills, organisation skills, and the processing and remembering of information.
Kelly Chan | 07 Nov 2022Smiling Face With Smiling Eyes, Smiling Cat Face With Heart-Eyes, Hundred Points. If you don’t recognise those descriptions, perhaps you’re more familiar with their pictoral form – they're emojis.
Annie Mannion | 24 Jan 2022On Tuesday 22 March we welcomed a group of university practitioners to share their learnings and approach to making accessibility improvements for students and staff with neurodivergent needs.
Stuart Andrews | 15 Jun 2021Diversity and inclusion is a hot topic and one that is racing up the corporate agenda. But what does it mean? And how does it relate to digital accessibility? This article explores key terms you may come across and signposts you to some further resources you may find helpful.
Annie Mannion | 25 Aug 2020University of Warwick student Rachael Tinde reviews student wellbeing website to outline what it offers students.
Sarah Botterill | 16 Jun 2020Charities and individuals are adapting to the pandemic to meet the needs of diverse communities. We brought some of these together in our recent AbilityNet LIVE! Webinar. As a panelist, Saba Salman noted when “community, communication and tech come together, the social good that comes out of that...
Sarah Botterill | 09 Jun 2020During a time of social distancing, individuals and charities have adapted their ways of communicating with people with neurodiverse needs in order to keep in touch. We'll hear from them first-hand how they're embracing technology in innovative ways.
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