Expert Resources: internet safety
These are the items that relate to internet safety found on the AbilityNet website. They may be factsheets, webinars, news stories, blog posts or reports.
Annie Mannion | 08 Feb 2024AbilityNet comments on new research that reveals connectivity is key factor in helping older people feel less isolated, particularly in the colder months.
Annie Mannion | 07 Nov 2023Promote and digest guidance and resources for how to improve digital inclusion for disabled people and older people, including upcoming learning events.
Annie Mannion | 25 Sep 2023Upcoming free webinars on Dyslexia and attitudes to accessibility outline the power of the web and the benefits it can bring.
Alex.Barker | 17 Oct 2022Scammers are still scamming, so please read these 10 scams to be aware of so you can be better prepared.
Annie Mannion | 13 Oct 2022To celebrate Get Online Week coming up from 17 - 23 October we're encouraging people to explore this year's theme: #TryOneThing!The one thing we're suggesting you might like to try is to find an event near you via the Get Online Week website.
Sarah Botterill | 10 Jan 2022Many have relied on technology to see us through the pandemic, whether it’s maintaining connections with friends and family, booking online grocery shops, checking in with healthcare professionals or accessing essential services such as banking. But what if you don’t have a device or a connection?