Expert Resources: HR Update
These are the items that relate to HR Update found on the AbilityNet website. They may be factsheets, webinars, news stories, blog posts or reports.
Annie Mannion | 01 Jul 2021Follow through on the promises you made in the recruitment phase is one of the tips shared on our recent webinar about accessible onboarding.
Annie Mannion | 18 Feb 2021Find out in an upcoming free webinar on Tuesday 2 March how Microsoft approaches accessible recruitment, and get best practice tips from expert HR practitioners about accessibility in the workplace.
Sarah Botterill | 18 Feb 2021Covid-19 accelerated the role of technology in how we work. AbilityNet's Services Delivery Director, Amy Low, shares her advice about ensuring solutions are inclusive.
callum.grantham | 05 Feb 2015This session will explore the impact of impaired hearing in the workplace and identify the support that can be offered to help employees.
callum.grantham | 05 Feb 2015This session will illustrate to HR professionals how more effective use of computers can help people feel more organised in their work, reduce stress and prevent expensive tribunal claims.
callum.grantham | 03 Feb 2015This session gives an outline of: Current legal requirements for reasonable adjustments Common adjustments recommended by AbilityNet Building support systems that increase levels of disclosure and remove barriers. It is delivered AbilityNet's Head of Digital Inclusion Robin...