Expert Resources: HE Services
These are the items that relate to HE Services found on the AbilityNet website. They may be factsheets, webinars, news stories, blog posts or reports.
Alex.Barker | 24 Jan 2025This factsheet provides an overview of the main ways disabled students, those with a learning difference or students with physical or mental health issues can apply for Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs). Download this How disabled students can get support to study factsheet in Easy Read format...
Annie Mannion | 05 Feb 2024Highlights from AbilityNet's Impact Report 2023 reveal 100% scores from organisations who report better user experiences and improved engagement with diverse employees and customers.
Annie Mannion | 26 Jul 2022A step-by-step outline of what a Disabled Students' Allowances online assessments entail.
Annie Mannion | 25 Jul 2022University life is so exciting. However, this past year and for the near future, being a student is a little bit different. AbilityNet is here to offer you help and advice about making the best of the situation.
Annie Mannion | 24 Nov 2020Join AbilityNet's upcoming webinar aimed at higher education and public sector professionals, taking place on Tuesday 1 December 2020, 1pm GMT.
Annie Mannion | 22 Oct 2020Register for our webinar on Tuesday 27 October to find out more about the Higher Education Commission’s research report and learn about your next steps to address its findings.
Annie Mannion | 24 Sep 2020On the day before this week's Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations (PSBAR) deadline (23 September 2020), AbilityNet's Amy Low provided on a free AbilityNet webinar aimed at the Public Sector, an update on the PSBAR, and how the
Annie Mannion | 22 Jul 2020Why the pandemic is the right time to expand the demand for equal services for all.
Annie Mannion | 14 Jul 2020Our free webinar can help you make your accessibility statement meet the compliance deadline of 23 September.
Annie Mannion | 13 May 2020Join us on Wednesday 27 May 2020 at 11am (BST) to learn about the Accessibility Maturity Model for Higher and Further Education.
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