Expert Resources: content
These are the items that relate to content found on the AbilityNet website. They may be factsheets, webinars, news stories, blog posts or reports.
James Baverstock | 05 Sep 2024Document accessibility is crucial but often overlooked compared to web accessibility. Discover three top tips to help you start thinking about the accessibility of the documents you produce.
James Baverstock | 23 Jul 2024Our expert Principal Accessibility Consultant, James Baverstock covers how to access Adobe's new cloud-based auto-tagging feature for PDFs and how well it compares to Acrobat Pro’s previous auto-tagging functionality.
Louise Aldridge | 26 Oct 2022Here are 5 top tips, that will help ensure that your SEO practices are accessible to everyone.
Kelly Chan | 18 Aug 2022When creating a document on Microsoft Word, are you considering your readers' diverse needs? Creating accessible material using Microsoft Word can be universal and easily be applied. Read our helpful checklist for improving the accessibility of documents or publications, both print and online.