Expert Resources: Apple accessibility
These are the items that relate to Apple accessibility found on the AbilityNet website. They may be factsheets, webinars, news stories, blog posts or reports.
Annie Mannion | 22 Aug 2023From sophisticated hand gestures to wrist movements, and the auto-call answer option, Apple's watchOS 9 developments will enhance your control of the device.
Guest Blogger | 24 Nov 2022Colin Hughes puts Apple’s autumn hardware and software updates under the microscope and looks ahead to what more the company needs to do around voice accessibility in 2023.
Guest Blogger | 12 Nov 2021Apple user and disability campaigner Colin Hughes shares his experiences of using new Apple technology, and the accessibility updates during 2021.
Annie Mannion | 16 Dec 2020Sarah Herrlinger, Senior Director, Global Accessibility Policy & Initiatives at Apple, joins us as the eighth guest in our Accessibility Insights webinar series.
Guest Blogger | 17 Dec 2019Colin Hughes campaigns to make technology more accessible and affordable for disabled people and is a regular contributor to Aestumanda
Sarah Botterill | 21 Nov 2019Expanding the accessibility community. Top Tweets from TechShare Pro 2019
Robin Christopherson | 04 Jun 2019Among the numerous (possibly hundreds of) new and eye-opening features for iOS 13 announced in yesterday’s keynote at Apple’s World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC) was a startling new addition to the already extensive accessibility suite; full voice control.
Robin Christopherson | 29 May 2019Apple's week-long World Wide Developer Conference 2019 kicks off in California next Monday (3 June) and it promises to be a bumper year for updates to the software that powers all their devices. A few rumours in particular, however, signal that the significance that Apple places on accessibility is...