Expert Resources: AbilityNet user testing
These are the items that relate to AbilityNet user testing found on the AbilityNet website. They may be factsheets, webinars, news stories, blog posts or reports.
Annie Mannion | 24 May 2023Remote user testing brings both benefits and challenges. It means you can include people from across the world, however this makes it more difficult to prevent technology mishaps such as software problems or poor internet connection.
Annie Mannion | 10 Mar 2020Upskilling university staff to ensure digital accessibility regulations are addressed alongside inclusive best practice.
Robin Christopherson | 08 Mar 2016A raft of new internet accessibility work by Microsoft will make the web user-experience for people with disabilities far smoother and more sophisticated. AbilityNet has a long-standing relationship with Microsoft, including user-testing its products for more than a decade. It's clear the company...