Next-gen eye tracking is a game changer for disabled people
Submitted by Robin Christopherson on Tue, 02/08/2016 - 13:17
Coming to a computer or tablet near you soon, Eye Tribe Tracker technology promises to take gaming to a whole new level. It's a great innovation for every gamer but it could transform the lives of disabled people - and not just those who play games. It is compact, much less expensive than previous solutions and could soon be working with other accessibility options in every mainstream laptop, desktop and mobile device. So what does this new tech offer and how could it change the lives of disabled people?
Fingers off that gadget
Most of us use our fingers to control our computers, tablets and smartphones but there are many other ways of interacting with our gadgets.
You could try voice control (“Hey Siri, what’s my next appointment?”), hand or body gestures (using Microsoft’s Kinect for your Xbox or Leap Motion for your laptop) - and at AbilityNet we’ve assessed people who use their feet to operate a trackball or all ten toes to touchtype at 100 wpm.
Technology is all about choice and it has the power to transform the lives of people who need to do things a little differently.
Keeping an eye on my tech
Another very powerful way of controlling a computer is by eye-movement alone and this is the basis of the new tracker from Eye Tribe. As well as the gaming applications it's designed for this tech could take someone who has no other way of operating a computer or smartphone to a whole new level
At present people who have no body movement or speech and who are only able to move their eyes can control a computer by doing a definite blink (the software ignores the unconscious blinks we do all the time). That action can start a scan through the options and menu items in an application - or all the links in a web page. When the desired item is highlighted, another blink activates it.
The trouble is that this method can be incredibly time-consuming – especially where there are dozens of items on a screen or you just miss the one you wanted.
The Eye Tribe Tracker to the rescue
Eye-tracking tech is nothing new. It's been available on the PC for nearly two decades (most notably the Tobii eye-tracker) but the specialist hardware and software has cost many thousands of pounds.
Despite this it has revolutionised the lives of people with no other effective method of controlling their computer. Compared to using a blink to scroll through options you can simply look at the item you want to be activated, let your eyes dwell on it for a preset period and it will be clicked.
Just like with switch control, we are now seeing elements of eye-tracking being included in mainstream operating systems such as the new dwell support in the latest version of macOS. The trouble is that special hardware such as a headband or multiple camera system is still required.
But that’s about to change.
Putting eye-tracking within reach of tablets and smartphones
Until now the two main factors preventing eye-tracking tech from coming to mobile devices was the size and price.
The good news is that Eye Tribe technology is far more compact and vastly less expensive than solutions that have come before. It is portable enough to be used with your laptop or tablet, and we may soon see it incorporated into everyday devices, alongside the accessibility settings that currently include speech output for the blind or switch control for the motor impaired.
As well as cost and size advantages the Eye Tribe also includes an SDK (software developer kit) which means app developers only need to use a few lines of code for their apps to receive a real-time stream of eye coordinates.
Users could operate their game completely hands-free or, even more crucially, users such as Prof Hawking can put aside his switch and go for the steely gaze instead.
Keep your eyes on the prize!
This is an exciting development in mainstream tech that could be big news for people with very specific accessibility needs. It may be that tech similar to Google’s Project Tango beats the Eye Tribe in bringing eye-tracking to the smartphone – or perhaps Apple, ever-leading in accessibility, will just quietly incorporate it into a future iPhone.
But whatever way it develops, keep your eyes firmly fixed on this space.
The winners of the AbilityNet Tech4Good Awards 2016 are...
Submitted by on Thu, 07/07/2016 - 13:39
The winners of the sixth AbilityNet Tech4Good Awards were announced today at a glittering ceremony at BT Centre in London. The Awards celebrate the amazing people who use digital technology to make the world a better place and winners included charities, businesses and a team based within the NHS.
MyWard is an at-a-glance electronic control board that gives NHS staff a clear picture of their ward and patient care, improving services and saving admin time.
Given to every first-year secondary school pupil in the UK, BBC micro:bit is a small code able device introducing a whole generation of young people to coding.
This not for profit open standard enables visually impaired people to use beacon technology to navigate the world independently, using a smartphone to get reliable audible directions in public spaces.
The SafetyNet mobile app created by UglyMugs allows sex workers to alert one another anonymously about dangerous perpetrators of crime – and with their permission this information is also passed onto the police.
Neighbourly has made connecting businesses with charities simple through their single online platform, raising over £3.7m and 10,400 volunteer days, supporting over 1,500 projects.
Designed by a team of schoolchildren the eWATERPay system enables 800,000+ water pumps installed in African villages to be effectively monitored and maintained for the first time ever.
As full-time unpaid Director of Information Systems, Maureen has developed The Silver Line’s helpline and IT, communications and telephone systems, changing the way the entire organisation is run, and how it supports lonely older people.
Shining a light on inspiring people
Nigel Lewis, CEO, AbilityNet said:
“It's wonderful to see the AbilityNet Tech4Good Awards go from strength to strength. They shine a light on some truly inspiring people and help all of us make the most of technology for the good of others."
Kate Russell, celebrated author and award-winning blogger, the UK’s 13th most influential woman in IT and host of the awards said:
"There are a lot of big problems in this world and as well as some really interesting solutions to those, its fascinating to me how some of the smaller world problems that are important to this year’s winners are being tackled through technology innovations."
Mark Walker, Head of Marketing & Communications, AbilityNet said:
“The AbilityNet Tech4Good Awards exist to celebrate achievement, encourage sharing and inspire social good. We all learn from the people around us so it is a huge privilege to be connected with so many amazing people."
Disabled Students' Allowances (DSAs) can provide additional support and funding to UK students in higher and further education. It is extra funding designed to ensure a level playing field for disabled students and can be used to pay for specialist software, computer hardware and a range of study support and extra resources.
The funding comes from the Government and AbilityNet provides one part of the process - a one-to-one Needs Assessment with one of our assessors. They will identify your needs and prepare a report that recommends the extra support you need. But what happens at an assessment? And how should you prepare for it?
A Needs Assessment is not the first step in the DSA process. Some people will already have extra support at school or college and may have had help with the DSA application process. However others may not have applied for extra support in the past and will have to go through the application process.
What support will work best for you?
Once you have applied and been told you are eligible for extra funding you will be told you need an assessment, using one of the many centres provided by businesses and charities around the UK.
AbilityNet is the largest not-for-profit provider of assessments - we have numerous centres and you can choose one that is near your home or your place of study.
You can use the form on our website to book your DSA Needs Assessment and upload relevant supporting documents. You will then be given an appointment date, time and location. This is a quick process so there's no waiting around and you can speak to our staff at any time if you have questions.
"It's just a chat"
Some people will be concerned that the assessment is a test of some kind - that they will have to prove their disability or be challenged to demonstrate how it affects them. The good news is that it’s basically just a friendly chat.
You have already been approved for funding and our assessor is there as an independent expert, using their skills and knowledge to advise you on the best options and make recommendations to the funding body. So you will be in safe hands for the duration of the assessment.
They will explain the equipment and other resources available to you an you may even be given the chance to test out some of the equipment. The assessor is not trying to catch you out, so don’t feel self-conscious about asking questions and engaging with the technology.
Identifying the effect on your education
The assessor will take you through different aspects of higher education study and ask how your circumstances affect you in these areas. Some won’t be relevant to you but they will put the questions to you anyway as part of a protocol. Once your particular issues have been identified and their severity gauged, the assessor will propose options that could benefit you, for you to choose from.
The categories include, but are not limited to:
Reading printed material
Producing written work like assignments and exams
Taking notes in lectures
Speaking such as using a phone, face-to-face or in groups
Practical aspects of your course
Using the library
Communication and social situations
Attendance (some people's disabilities may leave them too ill to attend college some days)
Work placements
As an example, for someone with dyslexia who struggles to take notes in lectures, a laptop might be offered. In a more acute case, a voice recorded or livescribe pen may be recommended.
The assessor informs you of your options and suggests solutions to suit your needs, and you let them know whether you agree with their suggestions. You can mention if you’ve tried them before or if you have any concerns you would like to discuss.
Remember, the assessor will have already been through your medical evidence and will have an idea of what they are able to offer, so you are not in a position of needing to persuade or convince them. With the previous example, you could ask for a human note taker instead of a voice recorder, but if your report demonstrates that this wouldn’t be necessary, the DSA may not approve it.
It's a positive experience
We have lots of positive feedback form our students but we also picked up lots of positive feedback from people in the Student Room forum about their DSA assessment (which may not have been with AbilityNet):
“It was a very positive and supportive experience. Probably the nicest part of the entire DSA process!”
“Mine [assessors] were lovely, she already had a sheet filled out with everything they thought would benefit me and what I ended up being recommended was very close to it bar a few things I turned down because I had tried them before and they hadn't worked out, such as a scribe in exams.”
“It was really useful and the assessor came up with some ideas that I otherwise wouldn't have had. For example, she suggested I get some hours of proofreading to ensure that my essays look nicely formatted as that's something I can't actually see.”
Once complete, the assessor will write up a report on your assessment to specify the support they have recommended. The funding body will then send you a letter confirming what the assessor has been able to secure for you.
Further information:
For those with a medical condition unsure of where to get the right evidence, the funding bodies have produced a ‘Disability Evidence Form’, which a GP can fill in with details of how your disability affects your study. These can be downloaded online and are often processed more easily than alternatives.
Many higher education students do not get the extra support they need to succeed in higher education, including extra help from their university and DSAs. Use our free HE Support Checker to find out if you could be eligible for extra support at university due to a health condition or impairment.
Down's syndrome (also known as Down Syndrome) is a genetic condition that may often cause some level of learning disability and can include characteristic physical features. There are over 40,000 people of all ages in the UK with the condition.
Modern technology can be a big help for people with Down’s syndrome, and many already use modern information technology - in fact a 2015 survey found that 83% use a laptop or PC, 77% a tablet and 55% a smartphone. Smartphones and tablets provide apps that enable people to better orient themselves when travelling, to remember appointments, remind them to take their medicine or stay in permanent contact with their caregivers. All of which encourages greater independence.
Benefits for children
A number of benefits of computer-assisted learning for children with Down’s syndrome have been suggested by a variety of authors.
Improving motivation: The learning experience is enhanced with pictures, sounds and animation which may increase a child's interest and attention
Multi-sensory experience: Computers provide both visual and auditory input. Children with Down’s syndrome are 'visual learners'. ICT is particularly well suited to this learning style
Non-verbal mode of response: Children are able to give non-verbal responses, enabling them to demonstrate their understanding without having to produce a spoken response, which may be particularly difficult for them due to troubles with articulation, word finding and intelligibility
Being in control: Children begin to understand that they can have an effect on their surroundings through 'cause and effect' software; this sense of being in control develops further as children start to use familiar programs unassisted; self-esteem develops as they become more independent in their learning and presentation improves
Immediate feedback: Children are rewarded for their successes immediately, e.g. with pictures, sound effects or music, or prompted if they need to try again
Errorless learning: Software can be designed in such a way that the child is supported in order to achieve repeated success
Opportunities for practice: Children with Down’s syndrome need much more practice to acquire new skills and ICT can provide as many opportunities as necessary to repeat the same objective in exactly the same way
Self-paced learning: The child is able to proceed as fast or as slow as he or she wishes; the computer will 'wait' for the child to respond without prompting them before they have had time to fully process the information and construct their response
Ergonomic equipment changes
Most people with Down’s syndrome are able to use the keyboard and mouse with practice. However, first-time users may benefit from adapted keyboards, touch screens, and overlays. Lower case stickers for the keyboard are available for children unfamiliar with capital letters.
Mind mapping software, such as Freemind or Inspiration, is useful for making notes on content that you want to include in your work. You can also get software to speak text out for you.
One of the ways that people who have Down’s syndrome communicate is via Makaton which is a sign language vocabulary. There are Makaton-based apps which will run on an iPad, although please note this is not free.
Single task software is great for error free learning; simple matching exercises; simple puzzle programmes; simple sequencing. Early year’s games software using song and rhyme is very popular with children with Down’s syndrome and plenty of opportunities for these types of activity are available in Flash. The hugely popular Interactive Visual Timetable software and Talking and Listening begins to explore the use of the recorded voice to aid with productive language skills and enunciation.
Speech intelligibility is usually a difficulty for children with Down’s and hearing impairment is common. A great deal of evidence suggests that 'teaching reading to teach talking' is possibly the most important intervention to support speech and language development.
The Reading and Language Intervention for Children with Down’s Syndrome (RLI) is an evidence-based programme designed to teach key reading and language skills to children with Down’s syndrome. It follows a prescribed framework within which content and teaching are tailored to meet individual needs. (
Spell checkers should be used with caution as they can not pick up an incorrect spelling if it is in fact a real word. Inclusive Writer and Writing with Symbols, which are examples of talking word processors, offer an imaginative solution; spellings have pictures to help the user to access the specific spelling that they need.
Case study: Michael builds his computing skills
Michael (16) has Down’s syndrome and a moderate learning disability. When Michael was 10, his school purchased a BBC computer for each classroom. He began to have successful interactions with the computer using the space bar, return key and arrows keys to manipulate cause effect programs as well as pre-literacy and pre-numeracy programs. When his classroom got a stand alone PC, Michael was exposed to a variety of more interactive software which used colour, graphics, animation and sound.
At 16, Michael has now a variety of skills using computer technology. He can access whatever CD-ROM software he wants to use and can open and shut down the computer successfully. He can type his name and address proficiently. His teacher has inputted vocabulary to the Clicker Plus grid – a supportive writing and multimedia tool which allows him to write and print his daily news. Using the program he can also access other vocabulary which has been inputted and he can create and produce simple stories.
Five Top Tips to Make Your Website More Accessible
Submitted by Joe Chidzik on Wed, 22/06/2016 - 17:49
By Joe Chidzik, senior accessibility consultant at AbilityNet
Accessibility can be a daunting topic if you’re just finding out about it. But there’s a lot you can do that is pretty simple. These five tips will make your site slicker and better to use for a wider audience and will help you meet your obligations under the Equality Act 2010.
1. Hide your mouse to check keyboard accessibility
Making your site accessible without using a mouse is a legal requirement, and something that will benefit many of your visitors. People with little vision rely on keyboard access as they cannot easily see the mouse cursor on the screen. Sighted users with motor difficulties such Parkinson’s or a stroke can find keyboard access simpler as well.
Just by hiding your mouse and trying to access your site and all its options with only a keyboard can show how you're doing and how to improve this. In particular, make sure that a visible focus indicator is always present (preferably a highly visible one), ie, so it is very obvious where your mouse or cursor is at any given time. Also make sure that there is a logical focus order around the page, ie that the page is set up in a way that doesn't mean screenreaders or other technology jump all over the page and don't make sense to all users.
2. Avoid poor contrast
Everyone finds low contrast text difficult to read, particularly people with low vision. Use a contrast checking tool such as Tanaguru's Contrast Finder, this allows you to enter two different colours and check the contrast between them. It can also suggest alternatives if the colours have insufficient contrast. Alternatively, a colour picker tool like the Contrast Analyser from the Paciello Group will help.
Hint: Trust your eyes too - it can be simple to spot offending text colours by eye, and then just verify them with the tool. This is best used early in the design process, so that issues can be addressed before the site goes live.
3. Do a free accessibility check
The organisation WebAIM (Web Accessibility In Mind) provides a free, automated, online checker here. This can give you quick feedback on some more technical issues on your website eg, if forms are correctly marked up with labels. This is great way to highlight issues during the development process. Be aware that any automated testing can only cover a small subset of all possible accessibility issues. However it is a valuable technique when used alongside manual testing.
4. Provide an accessibility page
An accessibility page is often an opportunity for organisations to state what measures they have taken to make their site accessible. You can also use this page to let people get in touch with any difficulties they experience while using your site. See AbilityNet's accessibility page for an example.
Getting feedback from people visiting your site is very valuable. By making it easier for users to feedback to you directly, you will benefit greatly by both demonstrating your commitment to improving your site, and being able to respond to individual issues as they arise.
5. Content is king: know your audience
People come to websites to find information, or to carry out an action. It makes sense to make this process as easy as possible for people. Know your expected audience, and write copy accordingly. Using financial jargon may be fine for visitors with a financial background, but other users may miss out. Good practise is to avoid jargon, or if it is necessary, provide a glossary.
Make use of headings, paragraphs and bulleted lists to break text up into meaningful sections. Make one key point per paragraph. Use different methods to convey information. Some users will prefer to read content, others will benefit from a video, others prefer a simplified, or illustrated guide.
Submitted by Alex.Barker on Mon, 20/06/2016 - 11:35
Motor Neurone Disease is also known as ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease (after an American baseball player). It affects the muscles in your body causing them to be weak. There is no known cure for this condition, but symptoms can be managed to help people to achieve the best possible quality of life. This blog has been written to coincide with MND Awareness Month which runs throughout June.
According to the MND Association there are 5000 people with the condition in the UK. (Source: MND Association). The causes aren’t really understood but it may be something to do with chemicals and structures in the motor nerves.
The effects include difficulty speaking and movement; eating and swallowing are also affected and eventually the muscles that assist breathing fail. There are different types of the condition. Famous people with the condition include Professor Stephen Hawking.
FAQs about MND and computing
These commonly asked questions about having MND illustrate some of the many ways of using a computer effectively.
I sometimes find it hard to use the standard mouse. What can I do?
There are lots of different mouse alternatives available, including rollerballs and joysticks. Take a look at our factsheet about mouse alternatives to work out which one may be best for you. If you have issues with “clicking” the mouse button you can download some free software which means you don’t have to do any clicking whatsoever.
You can also check My Computer My Way to see if changing the way the mouse pointer moves might help!
Can I talk to my computer?
If your voice is clear then we’d advise trying out voice recognition. It’s built into all new Windows and Apple computers as well as most tablets and smartphones.
For more details have a look at our easy to understand step by step instructions on My Computer My Computer.
Some times you might find that your voice changes throughout the day. We’d recommend that you have a couple of different voice profiles. So for example you might have a “Morning voice” profile and an “Afternoon voice” profile.
Sometimes I have difficulty reaching all the keys on the keyboard. What can I do?
A lot of people like to use keyboards that don’t have the number pad on the right hand side. This means the keyboards are a lot smaller than normal ones. They are called “compact” keyboards.
A keyguard might also be useful. This will stop you from hitting two keys at once! As the condition progresses it might be worth exploring other input options like switches.
Ben called us on behalf of his uncle Terry. Terry has had MND for a year and is now starting to find it difficult to use the mouse. We had a chat to Terry and have suggested some alternatives to the standard mouse such as a rollerball. We’ve also suggested installing some software which will do automatic “clicking”. We have identified some retailers that have a “try before you buy” policy. We have also suggested that one of our IT Can Help volunteers might come to her house and help with installation of equipment.
More help from AbilityNet
AbilityNet provides a range of free services to help disabled people and older people.
Our friendly, knowledgeable staff will discuss any kind of computer problem and do their best to come up with a solution. We’re open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm on 0800 269 545.
We have a network of AbilityNet ITCanHelp volunteers who can help if you have technical issues with your computer systems. They can come to your home, or help you over the phone.
Our expert factsheets talk in detail about technology that might help you and can be downloaded for free. You may find our factsheets talking about voice recognition and keyboard alternatives useful.
Our free guide to all the accessibility features built into every computer, laptop, tablet and smartphone. We show you the adjustments that can make your time on the computer that bit easier.
Submitted by Alex.Barker on Mon, 20/06/2016 - 11:35
Motor Neurone Disease is also known as ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease (after an American baseball player). It affects the muscles in your body causing them to be weak. There is no known cure for this condition, but symptoms can be managed to help people to achieve the best possible quality of life. This blog has been written to coincide with MND Awareness Month which runs throughout June.
According to the MND Association there are 5000 people with the condition in the UK. (Source: MND Association). The causes aren’t really understood but it may be something to do with chemicals and structures in the motor nerves.
The effects include difficulty speaking and movement; eating and swallowing are also affected and eventually the muscles that assist breathing fail. There are different types of the condition. Famous people with the condition include Professor Stephen Hawking. People who have the condition in the UK are supported both by the MNDA and MND Scotland. as well as MNDA Northern Ireland.
FAQs about MND and computing
These commonly asked questions about having MND illustrate some of the many ways of using a computer effectively.
I sometimes find it hard to use the standard mouse. What can I do?
There are lots of different mouse alternatives available, including rollerballs and joysticks. Take a look at our factsheet about mouse alternatives to work out which one may be best for you. If you have issues with “clicking” the mouse button you can download some free software which means you don’t have to do any clicking whatsoever.
You can also check My Computer My Way to see if changing the way the mouse pointer moves might help!
Can I talk to my computer?
If your voice is clear then we’d advise trying out voice recognition. It’s built into all new Windows and Apple computers as well as most tablets and smartphones.
For more details have a look at our easy to understand step by step instructions on My Computer My Computer.
Some times you might find that your voice changes throughout the day. We’d recommend that you have a couple of different voice profiles. So for example you might have a “Morning voice” profile and an “Afternoon voice” profile.
Sometimes I have difficulty reaching all the keys on the keyboard. What can I do?
A lot of people like to use keyboards that don’t have the number pad on the right hand side. This means the keyboards are a lot smaller than normal ones. They are called “compact” keyboards.
A keyguard might also be useful. This will stop you from hitting two keys at once! As the condition progresses it might be worth exploring other input options like switches.
Ben called us on behalf of his uncle Terry. Terry has had MND for a year and is now starting to find it difficult to use the mouse. We had a chat to Terry and have suggested some alternatives to the standard mouse such as a rollerball. We’ve also suggested installing some software which will do automatic “clicking”. We have identified some retailers that have a “try before you buy” policy. We have also suggested that one of our IT Can Help volunteers might come to her house and help with installation of equipment.
More help from AbilityNet
AbilityNet provides a range of free services to help disabled people and older people.
Our friendly, knowledgeable staff will discuss any kind of computer problem and do their best to come up with a solution. We’re open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm on 0800 269 545.
We have a network of AbilityNet ITCanHelp volunteers who can help if you have technical issues with your computer systems. They can come to your home, or help you over the phone.
Our expert factsheets talk in detail about technology that might help you and can be downloaded for free. You may find our factsheets talking about voice recognition and keyboard alternatives useful.
Our free guide to all the accessibility features built into every computer, laptop, tablet and smartphone. We show you the adjustments that can make your time on the computer that bit easier.
Finalists announced for AbilityNet Tech4Good Awards 2016
Submitted by Mark Walker on Fri, 17/06/2016 - 15:42
The finalists for the AbilityNet Tech4Good Awards 2016 have been announced - 28 amazing individuals and organisations who are using technology to change the world. With awards that include accessibility, digital skills, young pioneers and digital health our Tech4Good Awards celebrate unsung heroes and international organisations alike for the hard work they put into using technology for social good. Our panel of judges - which includes includes journalists, technologists and not-for-profit specialists - will now select the winners, but the Tech4Good People’s Award will be decided by you. Any of the 28 finalists can win this Award, and it’s up to you to tell us who you think should win.
Mark Walker of AbilityNet is the organiser of the Awards and says that the standard of the year's entries was higher than ever. "We received a record number of entries this year, and the standard was higher than ever," he said. "The judges took longer than ever to make their decisions but we now have 28 businesses, charities and individuals who demonstrate the amazing power of technology to make the world a better place."
"Huge congratulations to everyone who has made the final stages, and a massive thank you to everyone else who entered."
Every tweet and re-tweet counts as a vote, and you can find your favourite finalist’s hashtag on their page, listed below. Voting closes 5pm Tuesday 5th July.
Five Top Tips for managing Arthritis in the Workplace
Submitted by Mark Walker on Wed, 15/06/2016 - 17:36
By Dan Wilson, assistive technology specialist at Barry Bennett
Spending long hours at your workstation can be an enormous challenge for anyone living with any type of arthritis. Degenerative spinal conditions and widespread joint pain reduce ones capacity to remain in a sedentary position and place increased demands on the supportive muscles in the body. If your arthritis is affecting you at work, why not try the following top tips.
1. Get the right chair and look after your back
Use a good quality posture chair capable of providing effective support for your lower back area. Ideally the lumbar support should be adjustable in depth and height to give support in the correct area.
Using a head rest and adjustable arm rests on your chair will help to provide relief from neck and shoulder tension, whilst setting your chair to ‘free-float’ (unlocked mode) will encourage movement whilst sitting and help to alleviate lower back and hip pain.
2. Sort out the screen position
Make sure the top 30% of your display screen is positioned at eye level to help alleviate neck tension. This will ensure that your head remains in a neutral position when working and therefore helps to minimise neck tension.
Using a suitable monitor arm or adjustable laptop stand can help to achieve correct screen position. The Ergo Q- 220 laptop stand is a high-end laptop stand that is very lightweight, folds flat for transport and has the additional facility of an integrated document holder.
3. Try alternative input devices
To deal with problems with wrists and hands there are lots of alternative input devices for any desktop or laptop computer.An ergonomic keyboard is a good way to help relieve tension in the wrists and hands. The split design of the Fujitsu Ergonomic Keyboard offers users the flexibility to alter the width and height for your comfort, whilst the integrated wrist rest provides support for your hands.
Or try a different mouse. For wrist pain or difficulties with grip we recommend trying a vertical type mouse such as the Evoluent IV®.
Or if you experience pain when clicking the mouse, why not try a low impact external touch pad like this GlidePoint Touchpad.
4. Try using Voice Recognition Technology
Voice activated software helps when typing long documents and can reduce the use of your mouse. Most computer systems and smartphones have voice recognition options built in. This is more user-friendly than most people would imagine and can radically change your posture for the better.
Although built in options can help with some tasks Dragon Naturally Speaking for PC or Mac is the market leading software. Dragon also offers free apps for users of Apple or Android powered smart phones.
5. Try a Sit-Stand workstation
Taking frequent breaks and alternating your sitting posture helps manage their joint pain and reduces muscular fatigue.
If you’re not in a position to invest in an expensive height adjustable desk, why not try a practical solution that can transform your existing workstation into an affordable sit-stand workstation. The VariDesk® is a spring loaded mini-workstation that sits on top of your existing fixed desk. It is capable of supporting your laptop or PC at a range of different heights.
More information about making arthritis and workplace adjustments
#volunteersweek : One volunteer tells of 20 years service with ITCanHelp, supporting older and disabled people using tech
Submitted by Claudia.Cahalane on Fri, 10/06/2016 - 13:17
David Brew (pictured) is a member of the British Computer Society and coordinates the Northern Ireland branch of AbilityNet's volunteer service ITCanHelp. For 20 years, he has been volunteering to help older people and those with disabilities to get the most out of computers and technology. He tells us how it all started and what being a volunteer means to him.
How did you start volunteering for ITCanHelp?
I'm a member of the British Computer Society and in the early 80s, we were involved in training unemployed people in computer skills as part of a government scheme. A man who was paraplegic applied and we had to think about how to do the training differently. It was very rewarding and he went on to set up his own successful business. I've been involved in helping disabled people use computers ever since.
A man called Ken Stoner who had Motor Neurone Disease set up ITCanHelp within the Society and later, the team decided to pass the service over to AbilityNet who now deal with the admin, insurance and expenses of ITCanHelp.
How many disabled and older people with computer issues have you helped?
I've volunteered with perhaps around 40 people myself and now run the service in Northern Ireland sending other volunteers out. But I still work with some clients myself. There are hundreds of ITCanHelp Volunteers, a small portion of those are in Northern Ireland.
Is there anyone you've volunteered for who has stayed in your mind?
Adrian, the man who was paraplegic and set up his own business, I remember with fondness. He went on to help us with the service. There was Ruth, who was blind. She was doing the administration for her husband's business and needed to get all her tech communicating with each other effectively, ie, getting her computer talking to her scanner, and the right screenreader and so on. She lived far into the countryside, so I helped her remotely and got things running smoothly.
Can you tell us about one of your most recent assignments helping a disabled or older person use tech?
Yes, a lady asked me to work with her son who had a learning disability. He was naïve in terms of threats online. He was indiscriminate in what he was downloading, the sites he visited and he was endlessly printing unnecessarily. It was a challenge to make sure I didn't inhibit the value of the web to him, but to protect him from threats and exhausting equipment such as the printer.
What do you enjoy about volunteering for ITCanHelp?
Seeing how thrilled people are with really simple help that changes their world. I worked with a blind physiotherapist who really loved using iPlayer to listen to the radio, it was important to him. But it wasn't working for him. He lived a long way from me, so again I helped remotely. We just needed to change his settings in Google Chrome and he was up and running. He was so, so grateful.
How have you dealt with huge changes in tech since you started volunteering?
Things have changed very much. I am a former computer programmer and behind all the gadgets, a lot of the principles are the same. Apps have always been there - formerly called computer programmes. Now they're just in a slightly different form and actually have less functionality.
What's the future for the service?
We have willing volunteers but it's sometimes hard to let the public know about what we offer. I will be trying to get to more events so we can eventually help more and more people. In Scotland and Wales there is a need for more volunteers for the service.