Your Apple Watch may be smarter than you think

So you have just bought an Apple Watch. Not only does it tell you the time in different cities around the world, and allow you to take calls directly from the watch, but it has got some cool features to help you to be healthier. 

Posture: stand or roll

If you're like me, most of your working life is spent at a desk using a keyboard. Sure, we take comfort breaks or go downstairs to make a hot drink, but for the most part we're fairly sedentary. Sitting in one position for a long period can be detrimental to our physical and mental health. Sometimes we need a gentle reminder to either get up from our desk or just even stretch. 

Luckily, if you have an Apple Watch you can set your device to remind you to stand and move every hour and you earn points towards your Stand Goal. If you are in a wheelchair, it isn't very helpful if you are asked to stand periodically. However, those clever boffins at Apple have thought about this and you can now set your watch up so it knows you are in a wheelchair, and instead of having to stand it suggests you roll your wheelchair to achieve your 'goal.'

Focus, reflect and be mindful

We all get stressed and sometimes it is important just to take a bit of time out to focus on something nice. Luckily your Apple Watch has a function where you can take time to reflect, and some calming images will appear on your watch.

If you want to focus Image of Apple Watch showing the Mindfulness functionyour breathing, don't worry as there's a function on your watch to help you breathe to relax. 

One of the things that I like is the mindfulness app. Mindfulness is about paying attention to the present moment and just taking a little bit of 'time out'. One part of the mindfulness app which could be useful is the ability to log how you are feeling at a particular moment in time. (I've just logged that I'm feeling "pleasant".)

The information that you give your watch isn't shared with anyone else and if you want to measure your feedback from your watch over a longer period you can do this. It's a great idea just to take some time out of our busy lives to relax and be mindful. Oh, and if the reminders get too annoying you can always turn them off!

Apple Fitness+

If you want to get fit when using your Apple Watch and iPhone, you can subscribe to Apple's Fitness+ service. Instead of going to the gym, let the gym come to you! There is guided support from a range of personal trainers available online, which might be the best solution for you if you are busy and want support on demand.

Other health tracking

Your Apple Watch can also help you track other health information. If you have an Android watch you can set up notifications too, but it will vary from device to device. 

My Computer My Way advice

AbilityNet's My Computer My Way website offers simple, free 'how to' guides to make your device easier to use. The guides offer step-by-step instructions on how to adapt your phone, computer or tablet to meet your needs. You can search for a specific operating system, including WatchOS, within My Computer My Way, and also find a list of guides for your Apple Watch via the AbilityNet site.

Contact AbilityNet if you are disabled or a senior citizen and need support with your digital devices - call our helpline on 0300 180 0028 or request help from an AbilityNet volunteer.

How AbilityNet can help you with tech for free

If you're over 65 years of age or a disabled adult and are looking to build your digital skills, AbilityNet offers free digital skills sessions in London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Edinburgh, the East Coast of Scotland, Newcastle, Cardiff and surrounding areas. We can also help you if you live outside these areas - contact us for support.

Trainers can build something bespoke for your group or for an individual and run sessions including:

  • Getting to know your Smartphone or Tablet
  • Staying Safer Online
  • Getting started with Email
  • Using Social Media, e.g. Facebook
  • Online entertainment, e.g. watching TV online
  • How to access Public Services e.g. Gov.UK
  • How to make a video call
  • How to manage your health online
  • How to bank online

Book a free session


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How AbilityNet can help you

AbilityNet provides a range of free services to help disabled people and older people.

  • Call our helpline: 0300 180 0028
    Please note: calls to our helpline number cost no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02 number and count towards any inclusive minutes in the same way as 01 and 02 calls, and AbilityNet does not receive any money from these calls
  • Access free factsheets about technology. Topics include voice recognition and keyboard alternatives.
  • My Computer My Way: a free interactive guide to all the accessibility features built into current desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

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