Using tech to transform lives in Wiltshire
Sarah Botterill | 06 Dec 2020Older people in Wiltshire can get support through technology from a project dubbed Click and Connect, led by Age UK in partnership with AbilityNet and Wiltshire Sight.
The initiative sprang up after a survey of 200 people during Covid-19 revealed a large number wanted to learn to use technology better.
“We were aware that AbilityNet provides that help. Age UK brings the expertise of helping older people, increasing their incomes and all the other bits that we are good at. Still, if we partner with you, we will be able to support them in terms of their digital technology needs,” said John Truss, programme manager for Age UK Wiltshire.
Working together to support all the clients' needs
Wiltshire Age UK has been reaching out to local residents with a “guided conversation” to find out what people want from their technology.
For example, one client using WhatsApp to connect with family and friends and had also been connecting to her GP via video conferencing and needed support with both.
The partnership is about supporting all a client’s needs, said John.
“What we're looking to do with Click and Connect is to work holistically to support the client. In this case, we have a clear view of what she wants to achieve, and we can support her to do that through AbilityNet. We’ll also be able to discuss her medical background and see if it's any help we can give, including maximising her income.
Local volunteer Myles Piling has already helped a lady with cerebral palsy to video-conference her family as a result of the partnership.
Age UK Wiltshire has also heard from someone who needed help with voice activation to enable her husband to record a diary following his stroke, and a woman recently widowed who needed help monitoring her bank account and utility bills online.
Also joining the partnership is Wiltshire Sight, which offers specialist support for people with Sight Loss and Visual Impairment.
Initially, the aim is to reach around 50 people who need support, but once the case is proved to seek a larger grant to support more people through tech.
Age UK is reaching out by phone and through its services team on the ground.
Technology has played a vital role in supporting people through the coronavirus crisis, with AbilityNet offering a series of FREE AbilityNet Live! webinars, including using technology to find local support in your area.
For more information and support
Age UK Wiltshire Click and Connect
Wiltshire Sight:
Support from AbilityNet
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