Survey shows growth of in-house accessibility teams

Research shows that in-house accessibility teams are growing in organisations of all sizes, with IT services leading the way in building their capability. A survey was conducted by accessibility agency BarrierBreak, and findings were discussed at an event hosted by the UK and Indian chapters of IAAP (International Association of Accessibility Professionals).

Group of office workers sat around white office table looking at computer monitor with post-it notes on wall behindBarrierBreak is a leader in offshore Digital Accessibility testing and consulting in India. Its founder is Shilpi Kapoor, commented:

“After 20+ years in accessibility, I had a feeling I knew the answer to this but wanted to see what my LinkedIn network told me about the growth of in-house Accessibility Teams in organisations.”

The survey showed that 56% of the accessibility teams are smaller than 10 people, and:

  • 6.5% of the teams are between 11-20.
  • Of all the organisations, 62% were working on accessibility for their in-house teams.
  • Of the 20+ team size, 61% were delivering IT services to customers, so we can assume that accessibility is one of those offerings.
  • When we map the industries that these organisations belong to, the top 5 are: IT Services, Banking & Finance, Education, Product/Software Companies, Consulting Services

Shilpi continued, “The number of digital assets that companies have internally or externally is increasing all the time so it is critical to be focused on the accessibility of your assets – using a combination of your internal team and third-party vendors to achieve your accessibility goals.”

The UK and India chapters of IAAP hold a joint meetup every two months – a chance for members to connect with other professionals and discuss a range of issues for professional development.

Find out more about becoming an IAAP member and joining our next ‘Network and Learn’ event at

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A great way to engender cultural change across an organisation is through an accessibility champions’ network. Core to all champions’ networks is the desire to create a community or network of like-minded champions. But variety is the spice of life, and different companies deploy a range of models.

Another is to learn how to build a disability inclusive workforce. According to a survey by Glassdoor, more than 3 in 4 people said a diverse workforce was an important factor when choosing an employer, so not only will you be creating a working environment that is inclusive by design, you’ll also be making your organisation more appealing to new recruits.

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