Multiple Sclerosis round up for MS Awareness Week 2019
Alex.Barker | 23 Apr 2019This week is MS Awareness Week and we have done a round-up of the content we have available on our website for this often misunderstood condition.
- Our free services team went out to help Laura get back to using her computer
- We have our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list on how quick and easy changes can be made to your device to make it easier for you to use if you have Multiple Sclerosis
- Lots of people who have MS prefer to use the computer by talking to it. Voice recognition can be very effective at helping you to produce work and control your computer
- Smart home technology such as Alexa or Google Home can be really useful devices to consider if you are wanting to control your home environment such as opening doors or closing or opening curtains or blinds
- You can also call our friendly Advice and Information Officer Alex on 0300 180 0028 to have a chat and talk over possible solutions
- We also have a network of volunteers who can come out and support you in yor own home to sort out technical issues
Related articles:
- Multiple Sclerosis and computers
- 10 frequently asked questions about how a computer can benefit people with Multiple Sclerosis