Importance of educating young people about digital accessibility

Helen Wilson joined us at September's Network and Learn event where she discusses "Learn to Enable" which aims to explore sowing the seeds of digital accessibility awareness into the mindset of young people as part of their school education.

"Accessibility sits with web developer enthusiasts and the basics aren't really taught, we very much focus on that web accessibility, and those basics can actually go a really long way."

"This is about social responsibility in the curriculum and there's already things in the curriculum that are there for young people such as recycling which we know is a social responsibility, we've got LGBTQ, we've got being smart and safety online yet digital accessibility and inclusivity doesn't exist yet. Imagine if young people were taught digital accessibility awareness from the beginning so it's part of what they do and understand, and how that could influencer the future generation and the future workforce."

Watch the full session below:

Read Helen Wilson's blog "Time to sow new seeds for digital accessibility" where she shares her experience of teaching digital accessibility in the workplace.

This session was part of our September 2023 IAAP Network and Learn event which we partnered with BarrierBreak to host. The sessions are perfect for anyone who is currently an IAAP member or is thinking of becoming one. Find out more about becoming a member and check back for events being announced in the future.

Find out more about becoming an IAAP member and joining our next ‘Network and Learn’ event at

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