How to make your website accessible for disabled people

There’s never been a better or more urgent time to ensure that your website or service is accessible. While lockdowns have hit the High Street hard, online retail is booming, and disabled people are key customers for digital services.

Here are ten ways AbilityNet can help you make your website more accessible.

1. Discover accessibility products and services

AbilityNet has more than 20 years’ experience of delivering accessibility products and services.

To find out more about services from audit to user testing, download our FREE brochure, or call us on (+44) 1926 562 672.


Download our FREE brochure


2. Win the business case for accessibility

Accessibility experts know that value of accessible services but often you need to convince other stakeholders of the need to invest in them AbilityNet’s Business Case sets out the business benefits for accessible websites and services.

3. Connect with accessibility partners

AbilityNet is the architect of the UK’s largest accessibility conference TechShare Pro, which brings together thought leaders from across Europe to discuss the hot topics for accessibility. In 2020, we hosted the conference on Microsoft Teams platform (Microsoft was the Gold Sponsor for the event). 

Over 900 people registered for the three-day event and herd from 122 speakers. There was representation from 300+ companies and over 170 people engaged in speed networking during the event. 

For details of 2021’s conference keep an eye on the website

4. FREE telephone consultation

Want to start your accessibility journey but unsure how? Our experts can help assess your needs and match these to the right services. We’re a charity with a passion for creating a Digital World Accessible to all and so we guarantee there’s no hard sell, only support and advice.

Speak to our experts by calling (+44) 1926 562 672. 

5. Free accessibility webinars

We offer a series of FREE webinars on a range of topics related to accessibility. Past sessions have included How to do accessible social media, Accessibility Anti-Patterns, How technology can help people with dyslexia and Is your accessibility statement ready yet.

Sign up and watch recordings at


Free webinars: AbilityNet Live!


6. Sign-up to our FREE newsletter

We produce regular roundups including key industry developments, news from AbilityNet and more. Sign-up for regular updates.

We will only ever use your email address to share the latest accessibility news and details of our business and charitable activities. It's easy to unsubscribe and we will never share your details with anyone else.

7. Grow your accessibility skills

We offer a comprehensive programme of training to help you grow your accessibility skills in-house. You’ll find an up-to-date list of upcoming training on our website or contact us for bespoke training.

Our training is tailored to specific roles. Download our training catalogue and find out more. 

8. Understand your customers better

Our charity provides help and support for older and disabled people with technology. We do this through a network of 300+ volunteers who provide help and support. Why not get your company to explore volunteering opportunities with us. It’s a great way for people delivering accessible service to understand the needs of potential customers.

Find out more about volunteering for us or call 0800 048 7642 (freephone and minicom)

We also offer focus groups and Diverse User Testing. Find out more about our accessibility products and services.  

9. First-hand advice from accessibility leaders

Hear from accessibility leaders through our Insights Interviews. Previous interviewees have included Google’s Christopher Patnoe, Paul Smyth from Barclays, and Microsoft’s Jenny Lay Flurrie. Access previous Insights and find out more at AbilityNet Live

AbilityNet’s Head of Digital Inclusion, Robin Christopherson himself a celebrated accessibility leader

10. News and blogs

Keep up-to-date with news and blogs about accessibility