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HE/Public Sector Update: How Cardiff Metropolitan University meets accessibility targets: 23 February 2021, 1pm GMT.

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Building showing Cardiff Metropolitan University crest and blue sky in backgroundCardiff Metropolitan University logo

Cardiff Metropolitan University will share with us its journey towards meeting its accessibility goals in time for the September Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations (PSBAR) deadline in 2020. 

In this webinar, learn from Annie Horn, Learning Support Manager at Cardiff Metropolitan University about how she worked with others to identify accessibility needs and make changes to the University's processes and procedures to meet the PSBAR deadline in September last year.

She'll be speaking with Alistair McNaught of McNaught Consultancy, about how the university identified its accessibility needs, prioritised its activities and achieved its accessibility targets.McNaught Consultancy Logo

"This wasn’t just a box ticking exercise but an opportunity to provide the best user experience we could," says Annie. 

Find out in this webinar what priorities were set to help Annie and her team focus their accessibility work, and create manageable steps to change.

Also covered in the webinar:


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Who will benefit from this webinar?

This webinar is for anyone working in the public sector, particularly those in a higher or further education setting, and those working on creating online content.

The webinar will last for one hour and include a question and answer session. 

Find out more about Meeting accessibility regulations at Cardiff Metropolitan University.

How AbilityNet can support you in your accessibility journey