Assistive Technology News – October 2022 round up

Assistive technology news, policy and events. Clive, smiling at the camera

DispATches is written by Clive Gilbert, freelance research consultant and specialist writer in public policy, social affairs and technology.

Born with cerebral palsy, Clive is an extensive user of assistive technology and has first-hand experience of the transformative potential that technology can bring to the lives of disabled people. 

Policy and Campaigns  

Tech Developments and Innovations  

Training, Events, and Professional Development 

AbilityNet TechShare Pro, 15-17 November 2022

  • AbilityNet hosts Europe's largest gathering of accessibility and inclusive professionals and their allies. You’ll also be able to hear from me at TechShare Pro as I take part in the panel for TechShare Pro’s Media representation of disability session.

Brain-Computer Interface as an AAC Access Method, 10 November 2022

  • A free webinar exploring technologies that use people's thoughts to restore their ability to communicate.

CENMAC's Thursday Thirties, October to November 2022

  • A series of short webinars about educational assistive technologies taking place on Thursdays.
Training discount for dispATches readers 

Use the code Dispatches10 to get 10% off AbilityNet's Accessibility and Inclusive Design training, including 'PDF accessibility', 'Accessible social media', and more. 


Tech Tip

How to turn on the Night Light on Android 13  

Get in touch

  • Email Clive if you have a comment about the stories in this newsletter - or to suggest a contribution for next month.

Further resources 

AbilityNet provides a range of free services to help disabled people and older people. If you can afford it, please donate to help us support older and disabled people through technology