Accessibility blog founder shares his career tips
Sophie Stevens | 03 Dec 2023Raghavendra Peri who is the founder behind the influential Accessibility Blog and non-profit accessibility organisation HelloA11y, joined us for November's IAAP Network and Learn event where he shared his accessiblity career insights.
"One day I woke up and realised I was blind in one eye, it was following this that I did two initiatives, one is digitala11y which is where I started writing about accessibility. One thing I understood is all the accessibility is highly confusing and I wanted to simplify it for myself then I started writing it." Raghavendra discussed how he got started in accessibility.
He then continued about the benefits of IAAP, "I was very closely following the IAAP, I love the community. One thing i've learned is the power of community." The IAAP is a global not for profit membership based organisation for individuals and organisations that are focused on accessibility. Benefits of being a member of the IAAP includes: a supportive community of accessibility experts, an opportunity to learn and develop your skills through certification, and more.
Watch the full session below:
This session was part of our November 2023 IAAP Network and Learn event which we partnered with BarrierBreak to host. The sessions are perfect for anyone who is currently an IAAP member or is thinking of becoming one. Find out more about becoming a member and check back for events being announced in the future.