Alex.Barker | 25 Jun 2018
There are lots of ways that tech can help people with macular degeneration.
Alex.Barker | 18 Jun 2018
Motor Neurone Disease is also known as ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease (after an American baseball player). It affects the muscles in your body causing them to be weak. There is no known cure for this condition, but symptoms can be managed to help people to achieve the best possible quality of life....
Alex.Barker | 27 Apr 2018
Alex.Barker | 23 Apr 2018
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system. MS is a lifelong condition, usually diagnosed when people are in their 20s and 30, and can cause a wide variety of symptoms, including eyesight problems, fatigue, balance problems, altered sensations and cognitive issues.
Alex.Barker | 14 Mar 2018
In 2012 Hawking was presented with AbilityNet's Tech4Good Special Award for the way that he embraced technology to enable him to keep working, despite his worsening condition. He is remembered in this piece.
Alex.Barker | 13 Mar 2018
This week is World Glaucoma Week and we have put together some useful information to help you if you have this condition.
Alex.Barker | 08 Mar 2018
Between March 12 and 18, it is brain awareness week. The week is part of the global campaign to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research.
Alex.Barker | 06 Feb 2018
Six million people in the UK have tinnitus. Technology can often help you manage this condiition
Alex.Barker | 30 Oct 2017
It is International Stress Awareness Day on Wednesday 1st November. Did you know a computer can help you reduce stress?
Alex.Barker | 27 Oct 2017
This week sees International Stammering Awareness Day. Advice and Information Officer Alex Barker takes a look at technology which could help people overcome this often debilitating condition