5 ways to accelerate your digital accessibility agenda

Shows someone in a business suit jumping over an oversized hand towards a winner's cupDigital accessibility is a constantly evolving task, but you can accelerate past competitors by embedding a culture of digital accessibility.

Here are 5 tips or "Change Agents" that can help accelerate your digital accessibility agenda. We've based these tips on our exclusive survey and free white paper.

1. Build a network of accessibility champions

Having a network of accessibility champions will help you embed a culture of digital accessibility throughout an organisation. However, building and maintaining one needs buy-in from senior leadership, and you'll need to motivate and grow your network. Read our tips on building a digital accessibility champions network.

2. Have clarity of leadership around digital accessibility

Our survey of accessibility leaders reveals that the majority think digital accessibility is everyone's responsibility. It is, and that's why a champions' network can help to disseminate cultural change. However, you also need strong leadership to show people the way. You'll find leadership tips, white papers and more at TechShare Pro 365, including:

3. Have a clear vision for what digital accessibility means to your organisation

Measuring the progress of digital accessibility is problematic. You need a clear roadmap, defined ambitions, and then you can establish where you are - and where you're going. Maturity Models are a fantastic tool to confirm where you are and where you're heading.

Find out more about AbilityNet's Digital Accessibility Maturity Model (DAMM) or call us on +44 (0)1926 562 672

4. Embrace the business benefits of digital accessibility

There are tangible business benefits from being inclusive by design and embracing digital accessibility culturally and within your products and services.

Find out more about building a business case for accessibility, including:

  • How to build a budget for digital accessibility
  • The Business case for accessibility in numbers
  • 10 ways to build a business case for accessibility

5. Hold yourself to account for progress around digital accessibility

Accountability is vital, yet our white paper reveals that crucial metrics for measuring digital accessibility, notably WCAG, aren't reviewed at the board level. 

Find out more about The Valuable 500 - a movement encouraging board-level discussion around disability and inclusion. 

How AbilityNet can Help