Join our Digital Mission
Tinder Foundation, together with our partners Abilitynet, Digital Outreach Ltd, SCVO, Supporting Communities Northern Ireland and NIACE Dysgu Cymru, has reached the second stage of the Big Lottery Fund’s Basic Online Skills programme.
Our proposed programme - Digital Mission- will support people to gain basic skills through local awareness raising and engagement campaign, the establishment of new digital clubs to train people in communities across the country, and by establishing a network to support people to gain digital skills in their own home.
As we prepare our full bid for round 2, we will be looking for partners to deliver Help at Home. We’ll be looking for partners in all of the four nations (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) with a track record of supporting the hardest to reach at home.
Download the Tender Documents below - closing date for applications is 25 April
Os hoffech chi gopi o’r ddogfen dendr hon a ffurflen gais yn Gymraeg, anfonwch e-bost at