Digital Brighton and Hove
Digital Brighton & Hove (DBH) helps people in the surrounding area to build digital skills and confidence and provides devices and data packages and connectivity when possible.
AbilityNet works collaboratively across Brighton and Hove and has built a cross-sector partnership which brings together more than 300 organisations working to create a more digitally confident city.
How we can help in Brighton and Hove
Our support is led by the people who need it. We offer one-to-one, group, and drop-in sessions in the community, and can offer home support sessions depending on capacity. In 2025, we are focusing on supporting residents on progression routes into courses, volunteering opportunities and employment. However, we are set up to support anyone who needs help to get online.
Our sessions often cover:
- Staying safe online
- Communicating using email, social media, video calls
- Setting up a device
- Support to get employment; creating a CV, looking for jobs online, finding courses to upskill
- Feel confident to bank and shop online
Get digital support for you, your client, or someone you know
You can get support for yourself, a family member, friend, or client you support.
Get support across Brighton & Hove: Digital Support Signposting Directory
You can download a directory of other support across Brighton & Hove (Microsoft Excel document).
If your organisation provides digital inclusion support (sessions, devices and data), then please let us know by emailing and we can add you to the directory.
Digital Inclusion Network
The Digital Brighton & Hove project runs the Digital Inclusion Network, for organisations who work in and support residents in the area. The purpose of the network is to facilitate a joined-up approach to digital inclusion across Brighton & Hove, to increase levels of digital inclusion.
The network meets on a quarterly basis, discussing a variety of topics, with a guest speaker each time. In the past, we have focused on health, welfare, digital inclusion through collaboration, and local challenges.
If you would like to join our network, please get in touch at
Volunteering for Digital Brighton & Hove
Digital Brighton & Hove is supported by a team of volunteers, who support individuals and groups across the city. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, you can find out more about the role and how to apply.
Thank you to our funders
Digital Brighton & Hove would not be possible without our funders, these include: