
AbilityNet’s Factsheets are free to download and provide advice and information about how computers and other digital technologies can help people with a range of conditions and impairments.

Written by our specialist team of assessors and accessibility consultants they give detailed information on a wide range of assistive technology, services and related organisations. Many give a step by step guide to help you set up your computer and software (assistive technology) to meet your individual requirements.

AbilityNet now also has a range of Easy Read versions of some of its factsheets available to download:

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  • We're all aware that to keep our information safe online, we need to use strong passwords that we don't re-use across different accounts or sites. But it can be very difficult to come up with a good password and even more difficult to remember it. Especially if we have to remember a different one for each of our online accounts! 

    Last updated: February 2025
  • Digital Scams can affect practically anyone in the UK. Action Fraud, our national fraud and cybercrime reporting centre, received over 800,000 fraud reports in the year up to June 2020, and up to 85% of those reports involved cyber-fraud. Criminals are making the most of social media, email and messaging services to attack their targets, and getting more sophisticated in how they use technology to grow their reach. But that doesn’t mean anyone has to become a victim. By understanding how the fraudsters operate and knowing the key warning signs, you can avoid falling for their scams.
    Read our blog post to learn about 12 common scams and how to avoid them. You might also be interested in our practical tips to shield yourself from scams resources.
    Last updated: February 2025
  • Writing with accessibility in mind means that you are trying to ensure that your content can be read and understood by as wide an audience as possible. This factsheet presents some helpful tips on improving the accessibility of your publications, for both print and reading online. It focuses primarily on producing accessible material using Microsoft Word – but the principles involved are universal and may easily be applied using other software.
    Last updated: February 2025
  • Based on a webinar by AbilityNet, this factsheet offers tips on dementia-friendly website and digital design. You will find practical tips on co-designing with people who have dementia and tips for website structure, simple language, text styling, contrast, presenting multimedia and helping people better process instructions online.
    You can find more expert tips on how to create a dementia-friendly website from the webinar recording 'Dementia-friendly design: expert tips for inclusive websites'. 
    Last updated: February 2025
  • AbilityNet is a charity that supports disabled people. However, the term "disability awareness" isn't always understood. Here, we have gathered some useful resources for guidance.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • Despite falling prices, the cost of a suitable computer system is still beyond the means of many disabled people, especially those on a low income. This factsheet provides information and advice on how disabled people may obtain alternative funding for assistive technology that could make a significant difference to their quality of life. In addition to potential government support – for students and disabled people in employment or seeking work – a large number of charities are willing to help fund the cost of specialist computer systems and communication aids. Generally, such grants are only made in situations where no statutory support is available, and where the required items cannot be funded by any other means. Many charities only make awards to people in receipt of state benefits and will want to be satisfied that applicants are receiving their full entitlement. Also, a single charity may not cover the entire cost, and will therefore expect applicants to demonstrate how they propose to make up any potential shortfall.

    Learn how assistive technologies can help you and your workforce become more productive - How to use assistive technology at work, in education and at home.

    Last updated: January 2025
  • Some people can only use the keyboard with one hand. This factsheet gives you some advice on the most effective ways of doing this.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • Our Factsheet provides clear, practical guidance on how to provide feedback or make a complaint when encountering barriers with websites, mobile apps or self-service kiosks. It will also be of interest to organisations that want to ensure their websites are accessible.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • This factsheet outlines how WCAG 2.2 benefits disabled people, and details the key points you should act on to comply with WCAG 2.2 requirements. The information below is particularly useful for web developers, content editors and web managers but is also valuable for anyone wanting to know more about WCAG 2.2 in general.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • Screen magnification is invaluable for people with visual impairments. Screen Magnification acts like an electronic magnifying glass for your computer, tablet, or smartphone. This factsheet gives an overview of the main screen magnifiers. It includes summary information about the in-built screen magnification available on most devices and some free and commercial options that may include additional features.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • There are more than 4.4 million disabled people in work. (Labour force survey October to December 2020.)  This factsheet summarises the steps to support people with an impairment or long-term health condition in work, via reasonable adjustments or accommodations. It also highlights the range of high quality paid for and free services that AbilityNet provides to help disabled people succeed at work.  Employing disabled people is good for business. It can help you to:  - draw on a much broader talent pool  - employ and retain high quality staff who are skilled, loyal and hard working  - improve employee morale and reduce absence through sickness  - create a diverse workforce that more closely reflects your range of customers and the community where you operate Under the law, there can also be serious penalties for treating someone less favourably because of a personal characteristic, such as being disabled. 
    Learn more on how to make sure that your working environment does not unintentionally exclude people living with physical impairments or differences. Removing physical barriers - lived experience digital disability awareness training
    Last updated: January 2025
  • There are more than 4.4 million disabled people in work. (Labour force survey October to December 2020) This factsheet summarises the steps employers can take to recruit and support people with an impairment or long-term health condition in work. It also highlights the range of high quality paid for and free services that AbilityNet provides to help disabled people succeed at work. Employing disabled people is good for business. It can help you to: • draw on a much broader talent pool • employ and retain high quality staff who are skilled, loyal and hard working • improve employee morale and reduce absence through sickness • create a diverse workforce that more closely reflects your range of customers and the community where you operate. Under the law, there can also be serious penalties for treating someone less favourably because of a personal characteristic, such as being disabled.
    Learn how to harness the power of technology to support inclusive recruitment across your organisation:'How to do accessible, inclusive recruitment' training course.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • This factsheet offers a summary of the difficulties people with Parkinson’s may experience when using their computers, along with information about the adjustments that can make their devices easier to use. Parkinson's is a progressive neurological condition. This means that it causes problems in the brain and gets worse over time. Most people who develop Parkinson’s are over 50, but younger people can develop it too. Parkinson’s develops when cells in the brain stop working properly and are lost over time. With thanks to our charity colleagues at Parkinson’s UK for reviewing our Parkinson’s and Technology factsheet before publication.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • Each year in the UK, over 100,000 people have a stroke. A stroke is a brain attack. It happens when the blood supply to part of your brain is cut off. Blood carries essential nutrients and oxygen to your brain. Without blood your brain cells can be damaged or die. This damage can have different effects, depending on where it happens in your brain. Strokes can affect anyone, at any age. Whatever the effects, there are many ways that assistive technology can help to improve confidence and the quality of life for people affected by stroke, including by:
    • making computers and tablets easier to use
    • supporting physical therapy
    • helping with cognitive difficulties
    • making communication more effective.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type of arthritis, affecting an estimated 9 million people in the UK. Osteoarthritis was previously dubbed “wear and tear” arthritis because it was thought that the joints gradually wore out over time and was an inevitable part of ageing. However, it’s now known that osteoarthritis is more complicated than this, and that while the risk of osteoarthritis does increase as we grow older it’s by no means inevitable. Although osteoarthritis is distinct from rheumatoid arthritis which is an auto-immune disease the two forms have similarities in the way in which they can impact quality of life, but also in the ways in which technology can support people, enabling them to maintain independence. Given that many people with osteoarthritis can experience reduced dexterity and can find it painful to use standard keyboards and mice, AbilityNet has produced this factsheet to cover some of the options that can help make computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones easier to use.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • This factsheet gives information about how computers, tablets and smartphones can be used to enhance listening for people with some degree of hearing loss. It does not aim to be comprehensive but provides a useful introduction to some of the key assistive technology available. Some 11 million people in the UK have hearing loss – that’s around one-in-six of the whole population. Levels of hearing loss – mild, moderate, severe or profound – are defined according to the quietest sound that you can hear.  Generally, as hearing loss gets progressively worse, difficulties in communicating increase. People with milder hearing losses may struggle when there is some background noise and people with more severe hearing loss may not be able to manage even in very quiet environments. Assistive devices and support can help individuals manage their hearing loss and transcend potential barriers to full participation in education, work and leisure activities. However, each person and their requirements are unique, and anyone with hearing loss should always seek expert assessment and advice from an audiologist or a specialist charity. Similarly, businesses and service providers should also access expert advice on the adjustments, adaptations and support they can make to ensure that people with hearing loss can enjoy equal access to services and do not face barriers to employment or experience discrimination at work.

    Learn how technology can support those who are deaf or hard of hearing - Removing hearing barriers - lived experience digital disability awareness training. AbilityNet, Thoughtworks, and SignHealth, shared their top tips on how tech can help d/Deaf people and those who have experienced hearing loss during a live webinar.

    Last updated: January 2025
  • Communication problems affect an estimated 2.2 million people.  This includes people with aphasia, autism, cerebral palsy, dementia, head trauma, learning difficulties, motor neurone disease (MND), Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s and stroke. People with these conditions may have difficulty speaking or understanding what is being said. This barrier can affect every aspect of daily life. A large variety of communication aids are available to help people communicate more effectively. Useful aids include ‘no-tech’ E-Tran frames (a means of using eye-pointing as a way of communicating through pictures, symbols, letters, number and words), and computer-aided communication using dedicated input methods, and dedicated AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) tools.  This factsheet outlines your options when selecting an electronic aid to make it clearer and quicker to communicate. AAC (‘augmentative and alternative communication’) aids can be a purpose-built device or a standard computer, tablet or smartphone running specialist software or apps. Many people combine these high-tech aids with other forms of non-verbal communication, including gestures, facial expression, pictures and signing. Everyone’s communication support needs are different and selecting the right communication aids for an individual will depend on their particular needs, personal preferences and abilities. With so many aids to choose from, we emphasise the importance of seeking a comprehensive assessment by a speech and language therapist. This will ensure that all the important factors are considered – including the individual's motor, visual, cognitive, language and communication strengths and weaknesses. The therapist can also make a referral to a specialist communication aid centre if necessary. Communication is a two-way process and it is very helpful to include family members and carers in an assessment. Ongoing training and support can also help to ensure the success of the selected aid(s). Additionally, with the cost involved, it makes great sense to have a free trial before committing to the purchase of any expensive communication aid. 
    Last updated: January 2025
  • According to the Office of National Statistics (ONS), millions of people in the UK are thought to be suffering from Long Covid. These are symptoms of Covid-19 that persist for longer than four weeks. Long Covid symptoms may make it harder to work with technology. However, you can make adjustments that will help, and tech can also make it easier to work despite Long Covid.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • Technology moves on at a really quick rate. There is always a lot of pressure from producers of technology to update your device. But do you need to do this? And when you do, what are the key things to remember?
    Last updated: January 2025
  • Using videos is a fantastic way to provide information and engage with an audience. Figures suggest captioning your content can increase engagement up to 40%. We also know that a great deal of content (up to 85%) is watched without sound by choice (i.e. people choose to watch on mute). If you don’t provide captions, your content will not be accessible to people who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing, or experience hearing loss. The information will also not be available to the huge audience of people who choose to use captions; because the environment is noisy, a busy commute or noisy coffee shop, for example. Or because their environment is quiet. This factsheet will help you understand how to caption your video content and why everyone will benefit.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • Although using and interacting with information technology (IT) is becoming increasingly intuitive, it is not a natural process and therefore, some level of training will be needed for anyone. Training is also the most efficient way to improve confidence and encourage further independent learning. AbilityNet provides free IT support to help older people and disabled people to use technology to achieve their goals. We have a network of friendly volunteers who can help with most major computer systems, laptops, tablet devices and smartphones. Currently, we are providing all of our support remotely. We are often asked about teaching and training on computer skills, this factsheet provides the details of the companies, charities, and government initiatives that can provide this.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • This factsheet provides information about how technology can help someone with a spinal cord injury, including changes that you can make to your devices and keyboard and mouse alternatives.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • RA is an auto-immune disease and quite different from osteoarthritis, the ‘wear-and-tear’ form of arthritis which many people get to some degree, particularly as they get older. People with RA experience disabling pain, stiffness and reduced joint function as well as severe fatigue, which can have a huge impact on quality of life for them and their families. Given that many people with Rheumatoid Arthritis find it painful to use a standard keyboard and mouse, AbilityNet has produced this factsheet, with the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS) to cover some of the options that can help make computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones easier to use. This factsheet is part of AbilityNet’s free Advice and Information service. If you have any questions at all about anything in this factsheet, or any other aspect of assistive technology, please contact us.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • Smart speakers and connected devices can make your home more accessible if you're a disabled or older person. We explain what devices are available and how to make the most of them.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • One in 4 people experience mental health issues of some kind in England each year, and 1 in 6 people report experiencing a common mental health problem (like anxiety and depression) in any given week in England. This factsheet covers how assistive technology can help people with their mental health. It’s not a fix, but Assistive Technology (AT) and apps (free and paid-for) can form part of a holistic approach to gaining support. 

    Learn how technology can support those with mental health conditions - Removing mental health barriers - lived experience digital disability awareness training.

    Last updated: January 2025
  • We all live busy lives, and sometimes it might not be possible to check on our loved ones as often as we might want to. Here, get ideas about the Smart technology that can help us stay in touch from afar, by checking in without being intrusive.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • AbilityNet is working with telecommunications company BT Group to help older and digitally excluded people to make the most out of life in a digital world.

    As part of this activity, we've created a range of factsheets and other resources to help older people build online skills and confidence.  

    Last updated: January 2025
  • Ergonomics is the study people’s performance and wellbeing in relation to their and working environment. This document provides an introduction to many of the issues you need to consider when setting up a workstation. However, it is not an exhaustive guide and you may need to do some further research using the links provided. AbilityNet are specialists in using digital technology to help people with disabilities fulfil their potential at work, at home and in education. However, the issues raised here are relevant to any employee with a workstation, and not just disabled people. It is important that employers understand their legal responsibility to provide ‘reasonable adjustments’ to protect their staff from injury and prevent discrimination. This includes adjustments to the workstation.

    Learn how assistive technologies can help you and your workforce become more productive - How to use assistive technology at work, in education and at home.

    Last updated: January 2025
  • Work and study pressures, together with the ‘always on’ culture, can be significant causes of stress. If not managed, stress can lead to long-term sickness, anxiety and depression. There are many ways you can use your computer, tablet and/or smartphone to become better organised, more productive – and hopefully therefore less stressed. Small changes to how your computer is set up, and to the software you use, can make significant differences.

    Learn how technology can support those with mental health conditions - Removing mental health barriers - lived experience digital disability awareness training.

    Last updated: January 2025
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a condition that can affect the brain and spinal cord (Source: NHS). The condition can cause a wide range of symptoms, including problems with vision, arm or leg movement sensation or balance. All these symptoms can make it harder to use technology, including laptops, tablets and smartphones. However, they are easily adapted, and in doing so, people living with MS can achieve equal access to the digital world - empowering them to access a range of services. 

This factsheet summarises the difficulties people with MS may experience using their computers, along with information about adjustments that can make their devices easier to use.
    Discover the best apps for managing multiple sclerosis in our blog article
    Last updated: January 2025
  • This factsheet provides an overview of how you can use voice recognition. You can use voice recognition to control a smart home, instruct a smart speaker, and command phones and tablets. In addition, you can set reminders and interact hands-free with personal technologies. The most significant use is for the entry of text without using an on-screen or physical keyboard. Communication technology continues to evolve rapidly. Using voice recognition to input text, check how words are spelt and dictate messages has become very easy. Most on-screen keyboards have a microphone icon that allows users to switch from typing to voice recognition easily. For some disabled people who might struggle or find it impossible to work with a mouse or keyboard, speech recognition enables a world of productive possibilities. It can free people from typing and keyboard use, helping those with physical impairments and reducing the risk of repetitive strain injury from excessive typing or mouse use. For example, people with dyslexia can write more fluently, accurately and quickly using voice recognition and may find it less stressful than conventional handwriting or typing. For employers, enabling voice recognition in systems and encouraging its use in the workplace can be a ‘reasonable adjustment’: preventing discrimination against and maximising the productivity of disabled staff.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • This factsheet provides an overview of the main ways disabled students, those with a learning difference or students with physical or mental health issues can apply for Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs).
    Last updated: January 2025
  • Dyslexia is a learning difference that primarily affects the processes involved with fluent reading and writing. It is estimated that dyslexia affects approximately 1 in 10 people, with 1 in 25 classed as severely dyslexic. It is what we now recognise as a neurodivergent condition. Neurodivergence recognises that humans are not all the same. A neurological difference, such as dyslexia, is a normal variation of the human experience with many positive and desirable character traits and a fundamental part of a person’s identity. This factsheet gives an overview of how people with dyslexia can use technology to make things easier for them. Much of this help is built into devices or available for free.
    Find out how technology can support those with cognitive differences: Removing neurodiversity barriers - lived experience digital disability awareness training
    Last updated: January 2025
  • During the Covid-19, pandemic we heard from multiple organisations providing help and support who've been forced to make a rapid switch to online in order to continue supporting their clients. This brings challenges and opportunities. This factsheet shares some of what we have learned during the pandemic to help others do the same.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • A screen reader allows people who are blind or visually impaired to use their computer. This factsheet provides an overview of the main screen readers available for people to use with their computer or mobile devices. It has been written to help people determine which is the most appropriate for their needs and includes summary information about the screen readers built into the operating system alongside other free or commercial products. As with all assistive technologies, no one size fits all, and people may find it useful to try more than one before settling on their preferred tool.
    Find out how technology can support those with cognitive differences: Removing neurodiversity barriers - lived experience digital disability awareness training
    In the UK there are almost 2 million people living with sight loss. According to the RNIB only one in four people registered blind or partially sighted is in employment, and this number is falling. As such, the promotion of awareness about screen reader technology plays a vital part in the continued welfare, education, and employability of people with visual impairments.
    Do you want to know more about screen reading software, and what it can highlight about accessibility for blind and visually impaired visitors to your website? Check out our training course 'How to use a screen reader for accessibility testing'.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • Standard keyboards and mice are functional ways of interacting with your computer and increasingly other devices like tablets. However, these standard devices can pose difficulties for many people – especially users with physical, sensory, or cognitive challenges – and there are lots of other options available. This factsheet provides details of some of the alternative keyboard, mouse and other pointing devices available. It also gives information on adaptations you can make to standard keyboards and mice. There are so many choices and variations, we cannot cover every single piece of equipment in this factsheet. Please call our helpline on 0300 180 0028 or email us at enquiries@abilitynet.org.uk if you require more detailed information.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • This factsheet highlights some of the actions you can carry out quickly on your computer by using key combinations rather than using the mouse to navigate menus and options. These key combinations are referred to as shortcuts as they are often a much quicker way of carrying out tasks. They can also be particularly useful for repetitive actions.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • This factsheet provides an overview of the Access to Work Scheme, a grant to help disabled people to start or stay in work.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • This factsheet looks at repetitive strain injury (RSI) – the term most often used to describe the pain felt in muscles, nerves and tendons caused by repeated movement and overuse. It looks at the symptoms and causes of RSI (also known as Upper limb disorders (ULDs)), cumulative trauma disorder or occupational overuse syndrome, Work Related Upper Limb Disorders, and the steps that individuals or employers can take to protect themselves and their staff. It is important that employers understand their legal responsibility to provide any ‘reasonable adjustments’ to protect their staff from injury and prevent discrimination. Computer use is one significant cause of RSI, and this factsheet includes practical information on both reducing the risk and responding effectively to any cases that may arise in an office environment.
    Learn more on how to make sure that your working environment does not unintentionally exclude people living with physical impairments or differences. Removing physical barriers - lived experience digital disability awareness training
    Last updated: January 2025
  • Older people are prone to loneliness and isolation.  According to the Campaign to End Loneliness, half a million older people go at least five or six days a week without seeing or speaking to anyone, and over half aged 85 and over and 38% of those aged 75 to 84 live alone.  Age UK estimates there are 1.4m chronically lonely older people in England.  Technology can be part of the solution, connecting people at a distance and providing access to essential services online. During Covid-19, many organisations distributed tablets and other devices to older populations to help them stay in touch. There are many devices, which designed with, and for, older people. Others, while not explicitly designed for this population, are well-suited to it. Our factsheet rounds up some of the options.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • 1.5 million people in the UK have learning disabilities. Easy Read is a method of making information easier to understand for this group.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • This factsheet covers how assistive technology can help people with vision impairment. Many features are standard within computers, tablets, and smartphones. You can also use standalone products with devices to make them easier to use for people with a visual impairment or who are blind. Our factsheet outlines assistive technology for visually impaired and blind computing users to help empower them to access the digital world. Access to these technologies is empowering for people at home, at work and in education and can increase independence and self-esteem. The factsheet covers software and hardware adjustments for visually impaired and blind computing users.

    Learn how technology can support employees with sight loss - Removing visual barriers - lived experience digital disability awareness training.

    Last updated: January 2025
  • Nearly one-in-five of people living in the UK have a disability of which a growing proportion are aged 65 or over. Many of these people struggle to use a standard telephone or mobile phone, and would benefit from a suitable alternative. This factsheet provides an introduction to the various types of telephone and mobile phone that are available to make communication easier for someone with an impairment. Manufacturers of more accessible telephones and mobile phones include Amplicomms, Doro and Geemarc, and many of the models they produce are readily available form major retail outlets. However, please note that this factsheet is not intended to be exhaustive. Anyone who might benefit from a different kind of phone that would be easier for them to use is strongly advised to seek specialist advice.
    Last updated: January 2025
  • There are 920,000 people with dementia in the UK, and this is projected to rise to over 1 million by 2025. Dementia is not a single disease, but an umbrella term used to describe a range of progressive conditions affecting the brain. Currently there is no cure for dementia, and anyone diagnosed with dementia will require increasing care and support as their condition worsens. In addition to memory loss, dementia symptoms include difficulties with language, thinking, and concentration, as well as periods of confusion, and changes in personality and mood. Some people with dementia can also become withdrawn from social interaction and can experience depression. During the early stages of dementia, much can be done to help a person to maintain as much of their independence and autonomy as possible. This factsheet provides advice on how technology can help to support people with dementia and their carers by:
    • assisting with everyday living
    • reducing risk and increasing safety
    • helping with memory and recall
    • maintaining social contact.
    With the involvement of family members and carers, computer activities for people with dementia can also help to strengthen relationships, help with interactions across generations, and strengthen social connections.
    Find out how technology can support those with cognitive differences: Removing neurodiversity barriers - lived experience digital disability awareness training
    Last updated: January 2025
  • Autism or ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder is "a lifelong, developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with and relates to other people, and how they experience the world around them" (National Autistic Society, June 2020). Autism is a spectrum condition. All autistic people share certain difficulties, but being autistic will affect them in different ways. Some autistic people also have learning disabilities, mental health issues or other conditions, meaning people need different levels of support. Autism is a neurodivergent condition. Neurodiversity recognises that humans are not all the same and a neurological difference such as autism is a normal variation of the human experience with a number of positive and desirable character traits and a fundamental part of a person’s identity. It should be recognised that there is an ongoing debate regarding the language used to describe people on the autism spectrum as well as identity-first terms such as ‘autistic’ or ‘Aspergers’.(2015 research conducted by The National Autistic Society (NAS), the Royal College of GPs and the UCL Institute of Education.)
    Find out how technology can support those with cognitive differences: Removing neurodiversity barriers - lived experience digital disability awareness training
    Last updated: January 2025
  • The cost of living has been increasing across the UK. 

    AbilityNet encourages people to be online because it can open up a whole new world of opportunity. For example, instead of paying over the odds for services, you can often search online to try to find a better deal. 

    So, as an additional resource as part of our free Cost of Living crisis and how digital can help webinar we have gathered together some of the major price comparison sites that may help you get the best deals, along with some lesser known sites and apps that may be able to save you money.

    We will continue to add further resources to this page as we become aware of additional advice available.  

    Last updated: January 2025
  • This factsheet outlines some of the ways that technology can help improve the experience of learning for people experiencing a broad range of learning disabilities, differences or learning preferences.
    AbilityNet has released a range of Easy Read versions of some of its most popular factsheets which include short, jargon-free sentences with simple, clear images to help explain the content. 
    Last updated: January 2025
  • This factsheet is guest written by the Scottish AI Alliance, and will help you understand how artificial intelligence (AI) may already be positively impacting your life, and how you can embrace its benefits in your daily activities.
    Last updated: April 2024