Dementia and Computing
Currently there is no cure for dementia, and anyone diagnosed with dementia will require increasing care and support as their condition worsens.
In addition to memory loss, dementia symptoms include difficulties with language, thinking, and concentration, as well as periods of confusion, and changes in personality and mood. Some people with dementia can also become withdrawn from social interaction and can experience depression.
During the early stages of dementia, much can be done to help a person to maintain as much of their independence and autonomy as possible.
This factsheet provides advice on how technology can help to support people with dementia and their carers by:
- assisting with everyday living
- reducing risk and increasing safety
- helping with memory and recall
- maintaining social contact.
Last updated: January 2025
Contents include
1. Introduction
Broadly speaking, ‘assistive technology’ can refer to any system or device that helps to improve a person’s independence safety and wellbeing.
The focus of this factsheet is on how home computer systems (including tablets and smartphones) can be used to help and support a person with dementia. It does not cover telecare or home monitoring and alarm systems.
Many people with dementia also experience further problems with their speech, hearing and/or eyesight.
My Computer My Way is an easy to use, interactive tool developed by AbilityNet to help you set up your device (computer, tablet or phone) and take advantage of the accessibility features available. More details are given below.
Meeting individual needs
When selecting appropriate software, apps and devices, it is important to match these as closely as possible to the (changing) needs and capabilities of the person using it. ‘Solutions’ based around more familiar technology – that an individual may have been using before developing dementia – are likely to be easier to adopt than introducing something new.
It is also important that decision-making is shared, so that the person with dementia is involved as much as possible in discussing and deciding on possible options. Such involvement and consent is likely to affect how well any chosen solution works.
There are also ethical issues that may need to be considered when looking at systems that monitor people or track their movements, especially if the person concerned can no longer provide informed consent.
Research evidence
With appropriate support, evidence suggests that people with dementia can derive substantial pleasure, enjoyment and relaxation from using a computer (or tablet). Personally-tailored activities involving familiar music, videos, photographs and / or games that connect with a person’s past occupation, hobbies and interests are likely to be the most engaging. It is also important to match activities to the individual’s cognitive and functional abilities.
2. Support for daily living
Computers, tablets and smartphones can be set up quite easily to support many key aspects of daily life for someone with memory loss. Possibilities include:
- clocks and calendars
- automated prompts and reminders
- medication reminders
- finding things.
Clocks and calendars
A large number of products are available to help people with dementia keep track of the time and date. These include clock and calendar apps for tablets that clearly display the day, date and times of day – many of which can be set up to suit your personal needs and preferences. Possible options include:
- Dementia Clock
- Dementia Calendar Clock
- RecallCue Day Clock.
The Dementia Clock can be touched anywhere to speak the day and part of the day, with an option to record your own voices.
Prompts and reminders
A tablet or smartphone calendar can be set up to automatically display reminders of important events or activities. This can now also be done remotely. For example, by using the companion RecallCue Connect app, family members and carers can easily send messages, calendar reminders and photos for display by the RecallCue Day Clock.
Other possible apps for enhancing the effectiveness of regular and occasional reminders include Reminder with Voice Reminders and Prompt – both of which are available for iOS devices.
Prompt adds images and context to reminders – using photos of people and places to help you remember where you’re are going and the people you may be seeing. Reminder with Voice Reminders enables you to record your own voice or to use familiar songs from your music library to create more meaningful reminders.
Medication reminders
An extensive range of apps are available to remind people to take their medicines, one example being the Medisafe Pill Reminder. These apps can provide visual and sound reminders to help users remember to take the correct dose of their medications at the right time. They can also keep stock of the need for repeat prescriptions.
Automatic pill dispensers are also available but need to be filled by a local pharmacist. These emit an alarm when any medication needs to be taken, with a compartment opening to allow the user to access their pill(s). Some models can send an alert to a carer if the medication hasn’t been taken.
Using devices
Smartphones and tablets can be difficult to use and icons and carrying out tasks can be complicated for anyone not comfortable with technology. Action Blocks (Android devices only) allow you to set up large 'tiles' on the screen of a device with a name or image that preform an action. For example tapping on a picture of a family member can be set up to call that person.
Finding things
A number of gadgets are now available to help users locate lost items, such as their keys, wallet or mobile phone. One example involves attaching a small tag to any item and using a simple app to display its last known location. The tag also emits a beep to help you to find the object once you're close by.
3. Increasing safety
There are a variety of ways that assistive technology can help to reduce risks and improve safety for people with dementia, at and away from home.
The wide array of gadgets now available to help people feel safer in and around their home include sensors and devices that can:
- detect movement and turn lights on when they are needed
- turn off a tap that’s been left running or a cooker that’s been left on
- detect smoke, gas, carbon monoxide and high or low temperatures
- indicate whether someone might have fallen
- detect if the front door has been left open
- indicate if someone has fallen
- detect if someone has got out of bed and not returned, or if they haven’t moved out of their chair
- send an alert when someone moves outside a set boundary (eg their front garden).
Many of these devices can be linked to a telecare system, call centre or nominated person and trigger an alarm if a problem occurs. Information on what may be available in any area will be available from the local authority or nearest assisted living centre.
Personal alarms
Various simple systems will enable someone with dementia to press a ‘panic’ button and send an alarm call to a family member, friend, carer or monitoring agency. Some systems will cascade an alarm call to a sequence of numbers until someone answers – and then allow a two-way conversation. These devices are often worn as a pendant around the neck or on a wristband.
Many voice assistants like Amazons 'Alexa' and Google Assistant can call a contact via voice. For example, "Alexa, call Charlie." (The device will need an internet connection and access to a contacts list).
Another option is a quarterly subscription-based service such as the Personal Alarm Service offered by Age UK in conjunction with a private company. Pressing the alarm button connects the user to an emergency response centre who subsequently decide whether to inform their chosen contacts or the emergency services.
Location monitoring and tracking devices
Going on trips and walking about can be very beneficial for people with dementia. However, this can also present risks – such as the person getting lost or going out in the middle of the night when not properly dressed.
A number of apps and devices are now available that can help to keep a person safe, albeit with some implications for their privacy.
The ManDown app works by monitoring the movement of a persons smartphone. If the phone is motionless for a specified period time (from 30 seconds upwards), it sends out an audible alarm and a text, email and phone call to selected emergency contacts. The message sent includes the GPS location of the person. Various ‘family locator’ apps also use GPS technology on smartphones to pinpoint the precise location of group members.
A number of tracking devices like the Pebbell Mini also use satellite and mobile phone technology to reduce the risk of someone getting lost or going missing. These give the wearer an SOS button for calling their carer, while enabling the carer to view their exact location (on their smartphone) by sending the tracker a text command. Such devices also act as a phone, allowing carers to speak and provide reassurance to someone who has become lost or confused.
Similar features are provided by the MySOS GPS tracker (iOS and Android) which, for a monthly subscription, provides access to 24-hour emergency support.
4. Helping with memory and recall
Favourite music and songs, film clips, old pictures, family photos and videos can all help to trigger important memories and reminiscences for someone with dementia, and may also help them to relax.
The internet now offers many possibilities for accessing relevant media and content – for example, through streaming music services (like Spotify, Deezer and Apple Music) or video channels (like YouTube and Vimeo).
It is quite easy now to put together your own personal music playlists, photo albums, slideshows and home movies using widely available software and apps for computers, tablets and smartphones. Digital photoframes can also be programmed to play a slideshow that may help to stimulate memories and conversation with others.
An increasing number of apps are becoming available to enhance users’ experience of accessing and recording personal memories. These include:
- Memory box – contains visuals and music for stimulating memories and conversation about famous events, people, places and topics from the 20th century that you can also save in a personal scrapbook.
- GreyMatters (for iPads only) – creates an interactive life storybook using visual reminiscence paired with music and games to preserve old memories and video record new ones.
- Playlist for Life (iOS only) – makes the experience of searching for music and creating a playlist as simple as possible. It helps you track down the music that holds the strongest memories and gives access (through Spotify) to more than 100 ready-made playlists of the top songs from the past century.
5. Maintaining social contact
It is very important that people with dementia and their carers maintain good social contact with others and are able to access vital help and support.
Adapted telephones
Telephones with memory buttons are especially helpful for people with dementia. These phones allow you to store the most important or frequent numbers you call, and to call any of these by just pressing a single large button. Many allow you to insert photographs or pictures to help you remember who each button rings; and some models include an SOS button that will send a pre-recorded message asking for help to a short sequence of numbers.
As well as traditional landline phones, specialist mobile phones are now available that also include only a limited range of key features that make them much easier to use for anyone with memory loss.
Social media
The growth of social media means that people are increasingly meeting together and communicating in a virtual environment, as well as through more traditional contact.
While assistive technology should never be used to replace human contact, if used sensitively services such as Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram can help support increased social interaction and combat isolation for someone with dementia. Other video calling services – such as Skype, Google Hangouts, Facetime (iOS only) and Zoom – also offer great potential for family members and friends to keep in regular touch when face-to-face meeting is not possible.
Social networking
Living with, or caring for, someone with dementia can be enormously stressful – and the help of others can make a huge difference. Social networking enables people to share their experiences and to seek support and advice from others in similar situations.
Dementia Talking Point is an online community moderated by the Alzheimer’s Society for everyone who is affected by dementia, whether you have it yourself or know someone who does. It provides help videos and technical tips for anyone getting started. Visit forum.alzheimers.org.uk
Another option is myALZteam – a social network and online support group for family and friends who are caring for someone with dementia. Visit www.myalzteam.com
Action Blocks by Google (see 'Using Devices' above) will help simplify the process of calling someone or using social media sites.
6. Useful contacts
myhomehelper is an award-winning digital memory aid and communication device for people living with dementia and their carers. This computer tablet is especially suited to people who struggle with modern technology as all its features appear without the person with dementia having to touch or press anything. These include a calendar clock, a daily and weekly diary, timed and random reminders, auto-answer video calling, photos, instant messaging, news headlines and talking text. The feature you choose to show at any time is controlled via a secure, online control panel.
For more information, visit www.myhomehelper.co.uk
MemorySparx One is a subscription-based app that works on an iPad to help people with memory loss organise and recall important information about their day, their life and their health. It uses intuitive templates to make it very easy to add and update content. You can keep track of, and share, what matters most to you by storing personal details, captioned photos, audio recordings, tasks, activities and personal health information.
For more information, visit www.sparxconnect.com/
MIND App for Alzheimers’ Parkinsons and Neurological Disorders
The MIND (Make an Impact on Neurological Disorders) app (for iOS only) features art, music and dance activities to appeal to the visual, physical and auditory capacities of patients with neurological disorders. It provides topics for discussion and activities that can be enjoyed together. The app includes a virtual art gallery where users can view well-known masterpieces (like the Mona Lisa), create their own version of them and play matching game activities. You can also create your own music, watch dance and exercise videos and enjoy music from different countries.
Alzheimer’s Society
The Alzheimer’s Society is a UK-wide charity providing information and support, improving care, funding research and creating lasting change for people affected by dementia. It publishes The Dementia Guide to help people and their carers to live well after diagnosis. The recently updated guide now includes sections on living alone, technology and communicating.
The Society runs the National Dementia Helpline on 0300 222 11 22, and an online shop offering a wide range of products to assist with day-to-day living.
For more information, visit www.alzheimers.org.uk
Disabled Living Centres
Disabled Living Centres (DLCs) provide free and impartial information and advice about products and equipment for disabled or older people – in person or by telephone, letter or email. Focus on disability provide contact details for DLCs in each region of the UK.
For more information, visit https://focusondisability.co.uk/disability-aids-and-equipment-resources/disabled-living-centres-uk-regional-index/l
Living Made Easy
Living Made Easy is an online guide developed by the Disabled Living Foundation. It provides impartial advice about independent living for disabled adults and children, older people, their carers and families.
For more information, visit www.livingmadeeasy.org.uk
7. How AbilityNet can help you
My Computer My Way
My Computer My Way is an AbilityNet run website packed with articles explaining how to use the accessibility features built into your computer, tablet or smartphone. The site is routinely updated as new features and changes are made to the Windows, MacOS, iOS, Chrome OS and Android operating systems. The site is broken down into the following sections:
- Vision – computer adjustments to do with vision and colour
- Hearing – computer adjustments to do with hearing, communication and speech
- Motor – computer adjustments to do mobility, stamina and dexterity
- Cognitive – computer adjustments to do with attention, learning and memory
Use it for free at mcmw.abilitynet.org.uk
Advice and information
If you have any questions please contact us at AbilityNet and we will do all we can to help.
- Call: 0300 180 0028
Please note: calls to our helpline number cost no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02 number and count towards any inclusive minutes in the same way as 01 and 02 calls, and AbilityNet does not receive any money from these calls. - Email: enquiries@abilitynet.org.uk
IT support at Home
If you’re looking for in-person support, you can book a free visit from one of our disclosure-checked volunteers. Many of our volunteers are former IT professionals who give their time to help older people and people with disabilities to use technology to achieve their goals. Our friendly volunteers can help with most major computer systems, laptops, tablet devices and smartphones.
Copyright information
This factsheet is licensed by AbilityNet under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. View a copy of this license at creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/