Dyslexia is a learning difference that primarily affects the processes involved with fluent reading and writing. It is estimated that dyslexia affects approximately 1 in 10 people, with 1 in 25 classed as severely dyslexic.
Learn how technology can help people with dyslexia
Use the range of resources below to help people with dyslexia at home, in the workplace and in education.
Free dyslexia resources
Dyslexia and technology factsheet
Our factsheet gives an overview of how technology can make things easier for people living with dyslexia.
My Computer My Way dyslexia guides
My Computer My Way is our free guide to how to adjust your computer or mobile device. For example how to use voice control and changing fonts on your device.
Tech tools for Dyslexia webinar
British Dyslexia Association and AbilityNet share tried and tested tools and solutions to benefit people who are dyslexic in this webinar recording.
Dyslexia in the workplace
Top tips for supporting your employees with dyslexia
We identify simple, low-cost solutions to help employers provide the right support for employees with dyslexia.
Removing neurodiversity barriers - training
Sign up for this training course to learn how tech can support people with cognitive differences such as dyslexia.
Accessibility for designers - training
Learn the key aspects of how to build websites and apps that are accessible to everyone.
Dyslexia in Education
How to use assistive technology in higher and further education training
Learn how assistive technologies can help your students with dyslexia learn more effectively.
How DSA can help students with dyslexia
Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA), a UK government grant, covers a range of disabilities including dyslexia.
Note-taking hacks for students with Dyslexia
Discover note-taking technology hacks for your students in our blog.
More help from AbilityNet:
- Call our helpline for one-to-one help – 0300 180 0028
- Please note: calls to our helpline number cost no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02 number and count towards any inclusive minutes in the same way as 01 and 02 calls, and AbilityNet does not receive any money from these calls
- Ask for help from our Tech volunteers
- Learn about our workplace training
- Learn about our accessibility training