Making connections: Age UK partnership helps digitally excluded

AbilityNet volunteer Mick has unlocked the potential of a tablet for a military veteran with dyslexia through a local partnership with Age UK, Wiltshire. 

Peter, 67, from Trowbridge, found his dyslexia made it hard to use his tablet. He didn’t know how the apps worked, and he struggled with what to do next. 

During the pandemic, Wiltshire Age UK launched Click & Connect following a survey that revealed a high demand for technical support from older local people. 

AbilityNet is working in partnership with Click & Connect. 

Connecting to the digital worldAn old man sitting and holding a tablet in his hands. Smiling at the camera.

Peter, who was in the Wiltshire Regiment, wanted to use his tablet to shop on eBay and was also keen to relocate to Chippenham to be closer to his family. 

Age UK Click & Connect put him in touch with AbilityNet volunteer Mick. Mick took the tablet away and returned it with a book of understandable instructions. 

Peter’s now doing things he previously found impossible. He’s ordering from eBay and has the tablet now has a speaking app that helps him achieve his goals. Age UK Wiltshire is working with Peter to help him find a suitable property in Chippenham, and with his new skills, he has been able to register on HomeSwapper.

Peter says, “The help has been incredible. I am learning gradually and know that I can always ask for help when I need it. I am very happy!”

FREE support from a volunteer or call our helpline on 0300 180 0028


Please note: calls to our helpline number cost no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02 number and count towards any inclusive minutes in the same way as 01 and 02 calls, and AbilityNet does not receive any money from these calls

Related information

•    Read our factsheet on dyslexia and technology 
•    Top tips for dyslexia and technology 
•    Note-taking hacks for students with dyslexia
•    Read how we supported people with learning difficulties or differences during Covid-19 

How AbilityNet can help

•    Call the AbilityNet helpline on 0300 180 0028
•    Help for you, or a friend or relative
•    Download FREE factsheets 
•    Information on FREE webinars and to watch recordings
•    My Computer My Way: make your computer, phone or tablet easier to use